
I'm sorry, but I don't really see photography as that much of an art. Anyone else?

by  |  earlier

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Certainly not on the level of painting, sculpting, and music composition, or writing. It just annoys me how every teeny bopper who can aim a camera, and who takes a picture of a shadow on the side of a building considers themselves a "photographer". They're not true "artists" to me. And don't get me started on professional models, either *yawn*.




  1. Sorry,  but I do see photography as an art form.  Not mine so much but...  

  2. I believe that photography is considered art under the grounds that it captures a moment or image and conveys a feeling with said moment or image. Of course, it does not normally take as much effort or creativity as many of the arts listed above...

    There are some aspects of it considered difficult-- lighting, background, and the mood or conveyance of an emotion. However, I think most people with a bit of emotional intuition and talent might be able to manage all that.

    Of course, I'm not one to talk...I draw manga, so I have no idea...

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