
I'm sorry I'm trying to be open minded... but can someone give me real reasons to support John McCain?

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Don't take this personally McCain supporters, but when looking at his real stances on prominent issues I just don't see any advantages to Obama

Please don't say experience, I'm just talking about stances on issues

finally... if you could please don't mention personal topics like abortion, I'm just talking about foreign policy, economic plans, etc

thank you very much




  1. I have yet to hear a straight forward answer about anything from Obama.

    Obama is a risk, i believe he is in a dangerous area. There is still alot of KKK kind of people around and if he gets assassinated, all America is vary vulnerable.

    Sit down and answer yourself this question. What are 5 things Obama is going to do and how is he gonna do it? I bet you cant.

  2. No, I can't. Maybe if you ask Paris Hilton.

  3. Wars, war, more war!! "Im john mccain, and i approve that message"

  4. apparently all they have is "because Obama sometimes says 'uh'"...

    my, how impressive...  hahaha... how issue based...

    OH, he can answer a question quickly! that's super policy based... HAHAHA

    oh, and McCain used to be a Maverick but has adopted all of Bush's policies in the past year...

  5. Sure I can give you a reason...HE IS NOT OBAMA!!!

  6. He makes great oven chips

  7. McCain is pro life (against abortion), against g*y marriage. I am voting McCain in 2008 and proud of it. Bottom line, if you want your country going to h**l in 2008 and further, vote Obama.

  8. Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out!

    The big issue for people who don't support him (me) but will vote for him is The Supreme Court.  If Obama is elected he will appoint Ginsburg's sister.

    That will be the worst thing that could happen to America.  Abortion is "settled Law".  The Supreme Court will not hear a case to stop it.  So don't think that is a real issue in this election.

    As to foreign policy Senator Obama has no experience.  You can't get away from experience issue because you do not know what problems you will face when you are President.  Obama's people have to blunt that point because he has none.  

  9. H*ll No! with a capital (H).

  10. The only reason I support McCain is because he is not Obama. That is my only reason, but it is enough. If Obama was more conservative than McCain, then I would vote for Obama.

  11. simple,

    know this:

    McCain says and does first "what is good for the country Then what is good for his party...", and he has gotten in fights with many of his fellow republicans, making his words more that just words but also deeds to back his stance!!

    He has sided with Democrats like Ted Kennedy to get things done for America many times in the past…

    That’s real honor!

    ..And that is why he is NOT Bush or McBush like the Obama morons want to make him look so they can win…

    .. and he is called Maverick McCain!

    You show me that kind of courage and character in Obama....!

    Obama lost without a teleprompter

    oh, and the 57 US states of his…lol…:

    You show me and everyone here when IF at any time Obama has crossed party lines to get things done!

    he has done it...never!

    MCain son Jimmy McCain is a Marine and is IN Iraq fighting!!!!

    ...oh never mind that McCain is also a real American hero!  

    he has my vote, and many of my vet friends votes!

    no kid! he is million times better than the lawyer "hollow Obama"

    we NEED a true bi-partisan President like McCain!...Obamaa is not!

    McCain voted against his own Republican party many times, and even voted with Ted Kennedy on bills, not to mention the fights he got in with the republicans over principle...

    for example McCain stood almost alone for his push of the surge even against Bush who just wanted to "stay the course", then he stood almost alone after the surge got approved....even against many republicans that wanted to bail out of Iraq too...

    now you show me even a 1 time Obama has done something like that...

    that is why I say the ONLY true bi-partisan candidate today is John McCain...Obama is just a partisan politician, in lock step with the democrat party even if they are going over a Cliff..

    you want a true bi-partisan president? vote mccain you want TRULY more of the same partisan c**p then vote obama!

  12. Obama obviously needs the luxury of an extended time interval between a question and what he feels is the best answer - McCain already knows what he feels is the best answer and he quickly answers the question.

    Which scenario is more characteristic of a good leader? We seldom have the luxury of mulling over every possible unintended consequence at the time a decision needs to be made - if we do, the concern usually only gets worse.  

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