
I'm spending a year in South America!?

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Hey Guys,

I'm 15 and I am going away next year to study abroad in high school. I am really excited but nervous too. Is there anyting you have to suggest about studying abroad? Or are the customs different, if something in the united states is okay, is it rude to do there? Well, if you guys could please write be back. Also, what time do the schools usually start and will it hard to become fluent studying there for a year? I already know a pretty good amount of spanish, so I won't be to lost and are the schools harder there. . .

Thanks guys for reading this question, and answering. . .




  1. Hi J

    First of all, welcome (I live in South America) I'm very glad to know that you will be studying around here. Secondly, I don't think you will have any troubles with the customs because basically all are the same, one thing I'm not so sure if it's as common in the US is the way to greet, we kiss each others in the cheek a lot, not with the lips more like a cheek to cheek thing (between boys and girls, or between girls; between boys they hand-shake) so if you avoid the kiss maybe the other person could think you don't like them. Besides that I can't think of anything else.

    I'm not sure about the country you will be in, but in certain countries the school time is not universal like in the US, some countries have 2 or 3 turns, the morning (8-12 am), the afternoon (2-6 pm) and sometimes there is a night turn, but mostly for adult education. And you can choose the time you want to go. Oh and in my school (I was in the afternoon turn)  when I was 15 there were more classes like labs and sports, so I had to go in the morning too for them but the schedule was up to me. But as I told you that's not in all countries the rest have a normal schedule.

    If you already know a good amount of Spanish I think you will be speaking fluently after the year; the classes are not much harder, I guess it's pretty much the same. And I think people will welcome you with a lot of love. If I think about something else or you have more questions I'll be updating this post.

    Good Luck

  2. I really know nothing about this (I've only been to Central America) but Portuguese might be a good language to study,'s Brazil's official language, and that's the most populated country in that continent.

  3. Dude you'll love it is really cool I don't know where u going but every country in south america is has different schedule but is nothing crazy like going to class on sundays or anything like that pretty much like here in the U.S. Your Spanish will definitely will get better cause all your class mates and classes will be in Spanish. They love foreigners you'll be like a mini celebrity specially if you're coming from the U.S well anyways I think you'll love it good luck..

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