
I'm spotting, anyone know wot it cud be??....?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so i'm 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant..and well

I woke up this morning and Im like spotting, not proper blood like just the browish discharge stuff like you get when finishing a period n theres not loads, but I just paniced, so I phoned midwife and she booked me in for another scan on wednesday morning...and well Im worried...

Im not in pain and its not fresh red blood pouring, wot could it be?...Im so nervous..hope nuthings wrong..

Any suggestions anyone





  1. you should be fine your still early

  2. It could be implantation bleeding. When the foetus embeds into the womb. I had this with my first pregnancy. Try not to worry (I know easier said than done). Take care honey and good luck xx

  3. Try not to worry, you have done the right thing by calling the midwife. I am sure eveything will be alright. Try resting, put your feet up.

  4. You could have a cervix that hasn't moved northward enough yet. That happened to me. My doc made me sit down as much as I could (was teaching at the time so that meant doing nothing once I got home since I was on my feet a lot during the day). It lasted for most of the first trimester. It could be just that but it's good that you called your midwife! Take it easy until you see her.

  5. please try not to worry, it can be simply old blood or from when the egg implanted in your womb, both of which is quite common, if it was more serious the blood loss would be fresh as in period also you would experience some pain and discomfort, just hold tight and wait for your scan on Wednesday, I'm sure all will be well,

                  best of luck x

  6. don't ask the quacks on yahoo answers.  just talk to a doctor.  if you're really that nervous, go to the emergency room.  but people here could be harming you unintentionally.

  7. Spotting in early pregnancy  is common and for it to be around 5-10 weeks sound normal.

    If your worried go see your gp

  8. Vaginal bleeding in pregnancy is very significant and you did the right thing by calling your midwife!  An ultrasound and an exam are the best way of determining the problem.

    In the meantime, you should rest and avoid any strenuous activity, including s*x.  If the bleeding starts to increase or you are passing clots, call the midwife immediately!!!

    I know it's hard not to be nervous but rest is your best bet right now.  It is fairly common for some women to bleed in early pregnancy but it should never be ignored.

    My thoughts are with you and your baby.

  9. If you had s*x last night, it is probably from that. It happens quite a lot.

  10. spottin in early preg sometimes happens .. dont worry has happened to me ... the scan will put youir mind at rest

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