
I'm standing in a shop when I see behind me the lad who raped me (in real life) He starts undressing?

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I'm under alot of stress with my fiance at the moment and I am wondering because this is happening is this causing my dream it has really frightened me. I never did tell anyone about what happened until I was 28 then I went for counselling I have to see this lad every week day when I take my daughter to school and when I pick her up I can cope with that but the dream has really frightened me can someone out there please explain why I have had this dream thanks




  1. I'm concerned about this "lad" doing the same thing to others. Does he work among children at your daughter's school? Scary! Maybe you have the dream because you sense that he is thinking these things. He probably has a distorted memory of the situation and doesn't take responsibility for hurting you. Did he ever tell you he was sorry? Why didn't you turn him in to authorities?

  2. I've done dream interpreting for a while I hope I can help

    To dream you're in a store: To dream of grocery or convenience store, suggests that you are emotionally and mentally strained. Alternatively, you may be brainstorming for new ideas or looking for the various choices out there for you.

    Rape: indicates vengeful feelings toward the opposite s*x. Alternatively, it suggests that you are feeling violated in some way. Something or someone is jeopardizing your self-esteem and emotional well-being. You feel that someone or something is being forced upon you. Dreams of rape are also common for those who were actually raped in their waking life.

    In this case I think you haven't yet gotten over the true feelings of vengfulness, your emotional well-being is jepardized, you feel that something is being forced down on you right now and you can't break free.

    Rape dreams are common for people who have gone through it for real

    I think you may need some further counseling to help ease this memory.

    There is a chance though that this has nothing todo with the rape but had to do with

    a situation that u are emotionally or mentally strained right now because of something entirly different. You feel low self worth, violated and something is weighing on you. THis situation is tough for you right now and your subconsious is reverting back to a time when you felt similar hence the rape.

    You need to take a step back and relax, take some time out for you so that you can brainstorm in a comfortable relaxed setting for some solutions for this problem.

    hope that helps

    take care hun

  3. It could be from some sort of repressed memory and it has scarred you deeply. This could have happened when you were younger

  4. wow, seems to me like you need some more help.  You also need to report to the police and get a restraining order to protect your kid.  Tell your fiance about what you are doing and why.  If you dumps you, he's a jerk and you're better off.

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