
I'm starting Middle School and I need help! Help!!!!

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I am starting Middle School this year and I have no idea what to do!

I just moved to a 6-8th grade middle school. My elementary school is k-12! So I am the only one in my grade switching from elementary school to middle school!

I wont know where things are, there's a certain way you have to twist the lock and all they gave me are numbers. I have to go to pre-algebra with all the sixth graders! Its horrible!

Can someone please help me?




  1. Don't be afraid to ask for help!  That is what the teachers and other staff members are being paid to do.  The school should also have an orientation day so that you can "learn the ropes" before the first real day of school.  It may look tough now, but in October, you will feel much more confident.

  2. Dude, chilax...calm down. Its gonna b alright. The teachers will help you. Its not gonna b bad. Cheer up :D

  3. Don't fret it honey.  Maybe you could have one of your parents take you to the middle school before school starts and the staff can give you a tour of the school.  it's not horrible.  It's a new beginning.  A new door has been opened for you to explore and grow.  It's all part of growing up and learning something new.  I bet all the other kids are thinking the same thing about going to a middle school from an elementart school.  You are not alone.  Hold you head up and dont be afraid to ask a teacher or your counselor for help. Good luck.  

  4. You'll be fine! Have a parent call the guidance department and see if you can schedule a tour to get your bearings. I don't know what size your school is, but mine is big and we have new students every week so we are used to helping them and showing them around. Plus, I think starting new at the beginning of the year is way easier than in the middle of the year. Who knows? You may be one of several new students in your class. You can all support each other. And I also know that most kids love getting to know the 'new kid'. The new kid always gets hit on more than anyone else. Enjoy it.

    I don't know if you are a boy or girl, but if you are a girl, read Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer. It's a great book and the lead character is a girl who starts a new school.

    Good luck! Have a great year in your new school!

  5. When I went into 6th grade two years ago the teachers reviewed everything you needed to know about your locker, the school layout, etc. Also, you'll probably have a few days at the beginning of the year to get familiar with your classes and things like that. That's atleast how it was at my school and it's supposed to be one of the worst in the south. :/

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