
I'm starting a small robotics group with 6th graders, how do we go about getting sponsors?

by  |  earlier

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Im on the robotics team at the high school and we have about $14,000 in sponsors, we use that money to pay four parts, and going to the computitions. But for the group im trying to start with little 6th grades we would only need maybe $2,000 for some robotics kits and parts like that. I know theres money out there just how do we find it.




  1. The individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of physical settings, special equipment and materials, teaching procedures, and ...

    programs designed to meet special learning needs of students

    the education of children with disabilities.

    Sorry, mate,  You're in the wrong category.  Try reposting to a related topic for better responses.

  2. or it might be  google donors choose and you will get there.  Put your request on their site and you will get the money!

  3. You are in the wrong section. This section is limited to the Special Education of Students with DISABILITIES.

  4. Approach your local business and corporate donors to begin with. Start with the hardware stores for parts, etc.

    Regardless of whether this is the wrong section or not, people still deserve an answer rather than a "wrong section" notice for some troll to collect points.

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