
I'm starting college and my girlfriend is a sophomore in high school.?

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We have been going out for the past six months and it has been amazing. We love each other very much. There are a couple of things bothering me though. A couple of months ago back in March. She went on a field trip and another guy kissed her. She didn't tell me right away, I found out a very harsh way by someone yelling it across the cafeteria to me early in the morning. We talked about it and everything was normal. Well I found out a couple of months later that they were talking to each other online and I read the messages and it was clear that he was flirting with her and she continued the conversations. I know from experience that she doesn't know when people are flirting with her. It took us a couple of months to get the guts to tell her how I felt and how she felt each other. I asked her to stop talking to him and she said she would but I know they continue to talk to each other. I know the guy before we used to be good friends and I know they have common interest because I do with him too. Still though, with school starting up soon for her and with me going to college a week later and then getting a job to pay for the car i wrecked, which i could only use for school and work until i finish paying my grandmother back. I'm still bother by everything. Does anyone with experience with give me some kind of info on what we should do.




  1. I do not think that you should say who your gf should be able to talk to and not talk to. As far as the kiss, that was wrong. Some people just flirt and can't help it, maybe that is how your gf is which is not bad though as long as she doesn't do anything else but flirt.

    Dating is hard while you are in college especially if you are away. I am not sure if you will be going awy but it is tough but possible to do. I know a few people whose relationship survived the 4yrs of college while they were separated. You have to make sure that your relationship is solid because you do not want to have to worry about fixing your relationship while you have a paper or a test to study for. You two should sit down and talk about it like what is the realistic future for the two of you. I hope this helped, Good Luck!

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