
I'm starting college this week and i need some social tips?

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Now i'll be honest I've never had much experience talking to the other s*x at my own age and i know that is really sad but i've come from an all boys school and don't get much chance to get out. I'm really worried about making a bad impression as this is my one and only fitst chance for the next few years. I'm looking for some genuine advice so please no cheap laughs.




  1. Just be open! Don't be afraid to approach and start a conversation with a girl. However, don't get clingy if she doesn't seem interested - there was this one guy in my statistics class who always just seemed to appear out of no where. I think you will be fine though...more often than not i enjoy when guys start conversations with me. :)

    good luck. i started college in june and i was pretty nervous about how i would fit in but it all worked out just fine, i met a lot of really nice people!

  2. First of all, I think you are definitely entitled to feel that way about going to college. The tips I would give you is to be friendly and open with everyone, especially a roommate if you are going to have one. Simply introducing yourself and finding one thing in common with someone can lead to a great and long-lasting friendship. Good luck and have fun. :)

  3. hahahaha! im jk.

    honestly, just be nice to people. be yourself.

    Try to be more outgoing. It's difficult, and it takes time, but you can do it! Start with something simple like saying hello to the kid you sit next to in class, start a convo with that person.

    Walk up to your teacher and introduce yourself, not only will this help you in your pursuit of an outgoing nature, but your professor will hopefully recognize you ...and its important to make relationships with them!

    Talk to your roommate, and other kids on your floor.

    I'm sure there'll be rec rooms or something in the dorm, if you see kids playing a game or something, walk up and ask if you can play too!

    You don't have to worry about girl 100% of the time. Maybe make friends with a few, tell them that you went to an all boys school!! ..its different and I think most kids will find that interesting!! ..i would/do. Just be friendly with girls, but don't let yourself be put into the 'friend category' if you want to be more than friends.

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