
I'm starting high school next year...

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whats it like? and please, people who are currently attending or just graduated cause i don't want some random person who talks about how it was from 40 years ago.




  1. High school is fun! It's a lot more work than MS. Just make sure you do your homework! Don't listen to what the upperclassmen say about "freshman friday." they're just trying to scare you because they think they're better.

  2. I am starting high school next year too, nervous as heck.

    I heard that people mature a lot, and your treated better from your teachers and stuff.  

  3. i heard its like middle school except much bigger and more classes and theres clubs and sports..

  4. I was nervous about going into High School too. Now I'm going into college and miss it.

    High School was SO much better than middle school. Enjoy it, because it'll be over before you know it.

  5. Well, all schools are different. At my school, it's pretty relaxed and most people get along with each other. Just don't start drama. And try to stay out of it too. Drama is no fun in high school. And don't do anything stupid either.

  6. It's not bad. You know, you hear all these rumors about bullies, gossip, and stuff, but honestly, if you stick to yourself and your friends and don't bother others, no one's gonna mess with you. It's also easy to make friends

  7. i graduated high school 2 years ago, and really it was not that fun. Yes my bad experience can be attributed to the extra-curricular responsibilities i had or the 2 sports i played every year or the extremely difficult classes i was in.  But the truth is as a person just starting high school don't think you have all the time in the world to get ready for college at least start thinking about it now, and talk it over with your guidance counselor or teachers or people who are in older.

  8. i'm in high school right now ging to the 10th grade august 11th high school isnt really all that bad your not going to get shoved in lockers uperclass mean dont really pick on you i mean you'll be called a freshmen alot but hey everyone goes threw it and you get to pick your classes mite not get them on the 1st try but thats about it u get more freedom depending on your school the food is bettter if u ask me the teachers not going to be like middle school there going to be a little more strict sometimes just make friends with the right people and stay outta troble high school should be pretty goood hope i helped ^^ i was nerves my 1st day to kinda am again going to the 10th XD OH and watch out for boys there trick dont belive everything you hear OH and gossip is trash so dont dig into it and watch out for drama  

  9. well it depends on if you have a very big school

    I'm a junior and i have a school with around 600-1000 in my junior class.

    i love it because i'm always meeting new people.

    when you get to high school be sociable and attend as many outings as you can, be outgoing and you will make tons of friends, and get involved in a sport if you can, it will make your high school experience even better.

  10. Well, even though it depends where you go, high school really isn't scary like a lot of people think it is. I'm going to be a sophomore. You seriously just have to get involved, it sounds really cliche but it's true! It's the best way to meet new people. Also, make friends in your classes. It's really nice to have people that can talk to you in class. Sometimes it seems kind of hectic, but otherwise it's fun. It's really relaxed. Good luck!

  11. I'm in high school. And it's really not that big of a deal. the first week or two you'll be really scared, I know I was. But after that, you'll be fine. You may get remarks once in a while from upper classmen making fun of all the freshmen, but just don't pay attention to them. It's fun and you will have a lot more freedom than you did in middle school.  

  12. Ugh..

    Its  school

    It sux


    Well for me it did I had absolutley NOONE in my classes

    And Geometry was h**l

    Have fun


  13. It's really fun.

    Highschool has tons of events, dances, ect.

    If you join a club, you'll have more events.

    But sometimes it's pretty stressful because of all the school work and drama.

    Especially the drama.

  14. hey

    high school is pretty cool.

    be yourself and and everything will be fine.

    just don't get stressed out ,its not as bad as you would think it would be.

    it can be fun and it can be filled with all sorts of drama ..

    but high school is not a big deal,well its not to me..everyday can be different.i looked forward to what high schoolwas gonna be like when i first started he 9th grade ,it turned out to be dont worry.

    just be yourself.

  15. there is more homework and tests are a bit harder

    but otherwise it is fun

    it gives you a chance to meet lots of new people

    dont try to change to what you think that people want you to be like.

    just be yourself, i know it sounds corny but its true.

    you will have fun. dont worry about a thing.

    hope this helps!

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