
I'm starting jazz soon, any tips?

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I'm starting jazz in a few weeks and I have no clue what to expect. Should I know something, like how to do the splits? Any tips at all that would be helpful? What should I expect?




  1. jazz is fun. enjoy it. umm as far as what to expect, start working on your splits. a little everyday and you should have them. i started jazz when i was really little and i didnt really expect anything.

  2. Look up all the basic info you think you might need. But make sure wh en you get to jazz to not be to anxious and be patient, because if you listen good everything will be much simpler! :)

  3. Expect to be very bored lol I hate Jazz but if you like it look up videos or something on youtube =]

  4. Splits will help very much, so it is always a good idea to work on getting them.  Make sure that you are fully warmed up before going into your splits though.

    My tip is to work on ab strength.

    I promise you that it helps a lot to have strong abs.  It helps with turns and kicks and more.

    Therefore doing stomach crunches or someother type of ab workout daily is a good idea.

    You should expect a warm-up which includes various exercises such as kicks and isolations and stretches.  It will probably be pretty fast paced since its jazz.  Then you will probably do an ab/butt workout.  After this you might stretch a bit more and then move into things across the floor such as leaps and chaine turns.  Then you may to combinations  in the center including different things such as pirouettes and spins.

    Good luck!

    Jazz is so fun : ]

    Oh, and here is a link to a very helpful webpage with basic jazz steps.

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