
I'm starting my A-levels next Wednesday, and was wandering how prepared I should be??

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I'm kinda nervous about the whole thing, I'm staying at the same school, but its gonna be so much more different.

Anyways I wanted to know if I am supposed to buy like textbooks and folders and stuff in advance of my classes. I sort of know what books I need for Maths and Psychology but I don't want to buy ones that I might not need if the information has changed and also the A-levels 2008 have changed and I don't want to buy books that won't be useful!!

And do you use ring-binders/folder for all subjects at A-levels or do some subjects use exercise books? If so which ones?

I have like no idea of anything, from yr 7-11 we've always been told what to bring and do...but it won't be like that anymore!!

Plz help if you know......Thanx :D




  1. Im in the same boat as you really lol i dont know if you use folders or exercise books but im sure they should provide it whatever it may be or inform you early so you can purchase it, im also staying at my school sixth form =]

    personally i don't actually know myself what i need but im sure the teachers will tell you what books etc you may need for your subjects as time goes by or maybe when you have an induction day?

    i just bought basic equipment i know i may find useful pens, notebook,highlighters, etc as your doing maths im sure you might need the usual maths equipment compass, ruler etc i haven't been told what i need neither have my friends lol

    Good luck with 6th form and thanks for answering my question =] xx

  2. all my subjects need ring-binders

    don't buy text books, schools normally give them to you. don't worry on the first day the teacher will explain what you need and things.

    you need things like separators, and plastic wallets. a diary to write dates of things in.

    o for maths i think you need one of those calculators that draws graphs dont hold me to that though!

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