
I'm starting my first ballet class soon. What do I wear?!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have the ballet slippers, fine. But what do I wear? I am NOT wearing a way! The school recommended "tight fitting" clothes so I immediately thought: American Apparel! Any suggestions?




  1. you should wear a leotard because it very professional but you can put some STRETCH material shorts because they will show off your legs. american apparel. even tho i love that store they are really what your supposed to dance in. its more for the fashion side. but just make sure that you dress appropriately  

  2. Why not wear a leotard? Everyone else will be. You can always put jazzpants on top. A leotard has the great advantage that it can't ride up and show bare flesh when you're moving, I generally wear one for every class, not just ballet.

    Bear in mind that the teacher has to be able to see what you're doing with the lines of your body, so you should be wearing as close to skintight as possible.

    I have seen dancers do class in t-shirt thrown over a sports bra and jogging bottoms, but I don't think a beginner could get away with it. You'd have to already know exactly what you're doing and need no correction to obscure your line.

    What dancewear do you already have? Skinny tee and tight joggers should be ok for your first class, until you see what people wear at that school.

  3. go to your studio and ask them what you should wear. call the teacher.

    most ballet schools are going to require you to wear tights and a leotard.

    some of the more casual ones may allow jazz pants or cover shorts or something. but most are going to go tights and leotard. ask about it.

  4. HONEY a leotard comes with the ballerina title. its almost mandatory! i wear tights a leotard booty shorts and a tank top, teeshirt, or sweater over it. sometimes i wear a skirt. American Apparel is good but try this store . they pretty much have everything! good luck!

  5. dude u wana take the class that means u wear a leotard. and u cant buy dance wear at normal clothing stores u need to go to a dance store. and wear a leotard whats ur problem everyone wear a loetard in ballet. EVERYONE! and u will also need tights. i sugest ballet shoes with split sole. leotard, tights, ballet, shoes, legwarmers, wraparound shirts, wrap skirts, ballet shorts. look in ur local ballet store

  6. well proper ballet attire is a leotard, pink tights, and ballet slippers, with your hair in a neat bun.

    but since you're so content on not wearing a leotart, the next best thing would be tight fitting short shorts, and a tight fitting tank top. if you'll wear tights, that'd be best, but you could also wear leggings if you don't want to wear tights. it would be best if you wore your hair in a bun, but if you're not sure how or w/e, a nice, neat pony-tail is the next best thing. do NOT wear your hair down.

    hope this helps, and good luck!

  7. i have been dancing for 11 years. and i am gunna be 14 soon. but i highly recommend leotards and tights. but if u are completely against that idea then i would just suggest jazz pants. and a workout top. cuz that would be pretty tight fitting!

    hope this  helps!! have fun at ballet! :]

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