
I'm starting tennis for the first time, very soon, and I'm wondering if anyone has some tips?

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Hey, I'm fourteen years old and hoping to start girls tennis sometime this week. I am very eager to learn the art of this sport. Are any of you experienced players? Tips would be awesome & I'm open via email! Thanks so much ;-)




  1. Hey, I am a pretty experienced player. I am only 16 but I have been playing since I was 3. Now I am nationally ranked in my age group and go all around the US for tournaments. If you're just starting you should probably try to get  coach to help you with your strokes. Also, if you watch a lot of tennis on tv that will help with just visualization. You will be able to see how the pros do it.

    Good Luck  

  2. Hey, me 2!!! I am trying out for the girl's team at my school for the first time next monday. I'm 15. I have never played competitively, though I have played for recreation, and went to tennis camp this summer. Yeah, you should definitely work on your strokes. Good luck for us both!!! : )

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