
I'm starting to feel

by  |  earlier

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Sad. See, I was in love with this guy. He was amazing. God I can't even put into words how much I cared for him. He would talk me through all of my problems and help me whenever I needed it and then some. He was adorable. And Jewish (might I add I have a strange fetish for Jewish men). We were planning on like getting married! And we were naming our future kids and everything. He was my world for 10 months. Now comes the hard part- I'm 15. He's 24. I told my therapist about him, she told my parents, and they got the FBI involved. I miss him so much and I don't want him to feel betrayed. I want him to know that it's not my fault that they decided to freak out instead of letting me handle it, and I'm afraid he'll hold a grudge against me forever. I loved him so much. Now it's been a few months since that happened, and I've been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. My therapist left me. Now I'm trying to get a psychiatrist and a counselor to be my support group. I've been suicidal. I love him so much and I'm starting to think about him more and more tonight. I'm going to start to cry again, and it'll all go down hill from there. Please help me.




  1. Your parents got the FBI involved??What in the world for. Had they met him? 24 is pretty young and you sound like a mature girl. My goodness what is up with parents that only go by age or looks??? I would try and talk this out with the parents and tell them how bad u feel about this break up, and if they love you like they should they will meet you half way on this one. I am so so sorry but i really in truely think this thing will work it's way out. Love between you two was strong it will survive. Keep the faith sweetie!!!!

  2. If you live that far away you probably havent met. Its called infatuation. Find someone your own age you can grow with.

  3. i know pineapple express is anti weed thing but i heard on reel movie thing whatever on comdey central says pineapple express is superbad but with gun h**l yeahhh

  4. same thing happened to me.

    you just have to know that if he loved you, he will wait for you.

    mine waited for me.

    And we're still together.

    As for the depression and mental health issues, you had better get a therapist quick, because when this happened to me, they put me in a pysch. ward on suicide watch.  

    You need a support group, friends, family, internet forum, doctors, anything to get you through this.

  5. Wow! I know this is hard to hear but you need to let him go. There is no 24 year old man truly in love with a 15 year old. You will understand why he was with you and why your parents did what they did when you are older. I too suffer from depression and have since I was about 13 and I know you have probably already heard this but everything REALLY will get better. I have been miserable since 13 and I am now 26 now but when it starts to get better its like a window opens. About 4 months ago it was like my eyes opened and I saw what the world really was and had to offer. Now I am just upset that I have wasted so much of my life like that. No matter how bad you feel just think to yourself time truly does heal all and DO NOT hurt yourself. You WILL be glad later. Talk to your parents or a friend if you think you are going to hurt yourself.  You need to lnow you have so much more life ahead of you and this man is just a stepping stone to the man you will someday find.

    Hope You Get Better :)

  6. Don't ask strangers for help with this.  Talk to your parents.

    Be careful not to say "I can't"  or lie to yourself.  Lies are just slow death be careful.  Good luck

    Don't listen to any hippies your parents know best how do you think they lived to be as old as they are?

  7. i have never had that problem but my gf died last year and i felt the same way you do right now. but think of it like this. would he want you to keep thinking about him all the time when you cant be together? would he want you to be sad all the time etc?  
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