
I'm starting to feel that I don't want to be with him anymore because of this....?

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I been in a relationship for about 2 years now with my boyfriend. He's very sweet and everything but I feel that he likes spending time with his friends more than with me. He spends much more time with them than with me. I wonder why he would say he loves me and misses me when he likes being with his guy friends more and girl friends more than I. I only seen him once this month, and I feel like he doesn't like spending time with me. knowing thats going on, I told him about how I feel...twice, he kept making excuses and saying he's busy and all that BS. I feel like I need to get out of the relationship because of this while my girlfreinds say that's pretty immature, it doesn't really matter if he spent more time with his friends.

What's your opinion?




  1. You see the guy once a month and you call it a relationship? Consider yourself single.

  2. try hanging out with him and his mates. you get to spend time with him and he gets to spend time with his friends. if he doesn't want you hanging out with them than you hve a problem...

  3. well If he spends time with his friends thats quite normal..u gotta give  him some space...BUT if he's ignoring u completely then u gotta let him go and kick his butt.....U have to ask urself "is he worth it", worth wasting ur time and energy! First of all try to talk to him but if gives u BS then ask him to choose between u and his friends....thats it!! Gud luck!

  4. by now, you should be a high priority in his life, and even after you spoke to him about how you feel. i would move on and find a guy that wouldnt want anything else but to spend time with you. its not immature to break up with him about had an issue, you brouht it up (TWICE) and he still doesnt care.....ditch him

  5. He won't come to his senses at all. You only see him once this month. That bulls*it. Leave him. Don't look back. What is he busy doing? You deserve better. Check to see when you first started dating of all of the things you both use to do. If you want to save this relationship make this effort. And if he doesn't realize or appreciate it. Then you'll know that you tried and it'll be easier to leave. good luck.

  6. You are right. If he wants to be in a relationship with you, you should be a priority in his life, not just a stand-by.

    He would and should still want to spend some time with his friends, but even then why does that have to be to exclude you from being with him, when he's with them? Why can't he spend some of that time he spends with his friends with you instead? If he's really as busy as he said, why does he make time for them, and not you?

    Be careful that he's not just treating you as his F**k Buddy, and not his girlfriend.

  7. Of course we want our mates to still maintain their friendships with their guy or gal pals.... that's not an issue.  The problem starts when he starts spending more time with them, than with you.  For whatever reason, he seems to be dancing around that issue.  Try telling him one more time how much you feel this is unfair....see what his reaction is.  If he's still feeding you some bs....then it's up to you to decide to do what's best for you.  If you are unhappy, then don't stay in the relationship.

  8. I believe in treating others as they treat you.  If he spends more time with his friends, you spend more time with yours. and when he wants you to be available, dont.  

    I dont believe in announcing to guys what I plan to do, i just do it.  If he really loves and misses you, he will miss you more and you should see him more often....if not, then move on.

  9. Yes its ok for im to spend time with his friends, and time apart is healthy,  but to only see him once in  a month?? thats crazy i'd say your relationship is fizzled out because if yous  care for and love each other i think yous would have out in the effort to see more of each other.  And also, if you have told him how your feeling and he hasnt at least tried to make a better effort, maybe thats telling you he doesnt want to

  10. Drop Mr. Friendly.

    Find a man who will make the time to see you. If he is spending more time with friends then you....Maybe you can act like you have disappeared.

    Find another friend to spend time with. Move on.

  11. Well your not married to the guy, he isn't supporting you and to be honest he has in his own way chosen who he prefers.  If your under 18 this is the way guys are and they aren't going to change.  If your over 18 and want marriage this guy is telling you in  no uncertain terms that your relationship is not what he wants.   I would find someone new you have 29 days of the month to find someone by the time he calls for your next date you can tell him, "who are you? I have a real boyfriend now".

  12. You have been dating for 2 years and you only have seen him once, this month?  He doesn't want a relationship, he wants someone he can go and come as he pleases with, with sexual benifits and probably a good meal...he wouldn't be my boyfriend.

  13. You could be one of many. Not having a go at you or anything but you've only seen him once this month. It's not such a huge jump from there to playa.

  14. If you only see him once a month he is not your boyfriend. Well not in his mind anyway. You are his reliable but casual f***k.

    Get rid of him and find someone who values you. He is a loser and your friends are twits if they let men treat them this way. So get some new friends to go with the new bloke.

    You know you deserve better than this. That's why you asked the question.

    x x x

  15. I feel if hes not giving you the attention you need and knows it ,it might be time to move on. you deserve to be and feel loved!

  16. tell him again a little more sternly if he dosent  pays attention dump him and move on with life.

  17. A man who's really in love with you will show you with his actions, which will include spending the majority of his free time with you.  Who's he dating here, you or them?

  18. Rely on and trust your instinct - and that's what you are feeling right now. Listen to those feelings. You'll make the right choices for you when you do so. If you want to spend time with someone who doesn't feel the same, what's the point. The rest is all excuses.

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