
I'm starting to think I should go to Public School for a year...?

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I've been homeschooled since 1st grade and I'm thinking I should go for a year because:

1. My Mom has no time to help me with my school work because she's either a) bickering with my sister or b)helping my sister.

2. My Mom kinda needs to help her more because she doesn't catch on to things like I do and I feel like I'm falling behind.

What do you think?

(ps, I'd be going into maybe 8th or 9th grade. idk bc I think I'm pretty smart but idk!!!)




  1. Maybe a break from home-schooling would be good! If you notice your mom can't find the time b/c of other stuff, talk to her about it!

  2. 1) Your mom doesn't necessarily need to be the one to help you with your school work. A lot of school teachers don't have time to give you extra help--they just tell you stuff to write down and correct your work--so I'm not sure what you think you'll accomplish with that. If you need help, you might consider finding a tutor. A lot of homeschooled students work independently with their resources. There's nothing wrong with it.

    2) Why do you feel like you are falling behind? Do you have proof? "Feeling" doesn't count for much. Maybe ask your mom if you can do some sort of testing to see where you're at.

    How is going to school for a year going to help you in the long run? It sounds like your primary concern is where you are academically; just do some testing and find out for sure. If you are behind, then going to school isn't necessarily going to help because it's not as though they are going to aim to help you "catch up"--the best way to do that is through lots of work with good  resources at home.

  3. I am all for children trying public school.... I think you have valid reasons for wanting to give it a shot and should definitely check into it.

  4. I think going to public school would be a good idea.

    I think every kid should have that chance, especially for highschool!

  5. Well, if you mom doesn't have enough time on her hands, you could maybe try Bob Jones or Abeka books.

    They offer DVDs so that you can watch them before you do your work. This lets you be very independent and need very little help in school.

    Public school will be A LOT different than homeschool. I don't know if it would be the best idea.

  6. Im homeschooled also.. And i've been homeschooling for only one year, but public school is really cool. If your falling behind, just try to catch on. and if you're stuck try look up at the internet, study and do whatever you can do. Just do good. and what you think is enough for yourself. But um. yeah you should do homeschooling, same with me, i have 2 baby twin sisters its hard lol. good luck

  7. Im in highschool right now, and i asked a friend what it was like being homeschooled, and adjusting to highschool life.  basically he said:

    More friends

    Alot more variety in life

    try it out, its fine for me.  Just realize, it may be hard to make new friends at first, but you will. Good luck!


  8. I think if you were my child, it wouldn't be your choice.  You would homeschool because it is the parent's choice, not the child's.

    Now, as far as your sister and Mom.  You sound a little bit jealous of your sister.  I know sometimes in life things seem unfair, but if you look at them when you get older, you will find, they aren't that bad.  Just do your best.  And give yourself time to grow up. It will be ok.

  9. I think it would be fine for you to try it if your parents agree to it.  However, if you are going for more obtain more academic instruction, you may not be pleased with the results.  

    Your teachers will have 30 or so students to pay attention to instead of just 2 as is the case with your homeschool environment.  In addition, statistically, homeschool produces better results academically than public school.  

    Many advanced or gifted students prefer homeschooling for that reason.  Public school will not provide you with as much academic freedom and will consume much of your time with busy work.

    Have you talked to your mom openly about your concerns and asked her if there's any way to change things up a bit?  I do think you have some valid concerns - especially about the bickering.

    If you do decide to try public school, remember that it also won't be perfect and you will have to deal with issues there as well.

    Here's a comparison of public schools vs. homeschool:

    Best wishes - whatever you decide!

  10. Do it dude! Don't make the mistake I did!


  11. you should try it out some times its hard but it can be a lot of a fun. you must if your in middle or high school!!

  12. i went through the same thing as you. homeschool seemed to be more stressful then helpful, so i told my parents.   i stuck with it though.  i would work it out with your parents first, talk with them and let them know about you problem.  im glad i was homeschooled and sticking to it feels good. good luck

  13. First try discussing this problem with your mother. There may be a better solution. If not, and you both think public school is the best solution, do it. But be honest and polite with your mom. I'm sure she's doing her best, but she needs to know if you are not getting the attention you need.

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