
I'm starving and I have a blood test in six hours, I can't eat until afterwards. Should I just stay up?

by  |  earlier

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It's been a few hours since i've last eaten and i'm really hungry right now. Should I just try to sleep or stay up? Which would be best?

Usually if I fall asleep hungry i'll wake up starving, but I haven't done that in a while so I don't know. And if I don't eat for a few hours straight, I get really weak and unable to concentrate much.




  1. stop thinking about food!

    you always feel hungry when your not allowed to eat, do something you enjoy, read a book,do some drawing, trace your family tree? plan a holiday? google ebay, check out youtube the time will soon pass.

  2. go to sleep..... u don't think about it and i will come faster when u can eat!

  3. I would go to sleep, then atleast your not thinking about it.

  4. if you stay awake you can't stop yourself and most probably you'll eat something.

    go and sleep.this way,you won't think about it that much

    good luck

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