
I'm staying with a French family for a week and I don't know what to get them as a gift. Any ideas?

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It's a family of 5:

a 17yr old boy

a 15 yr old girl

a 7 yr old girl.

merci beaucoup :]




  1. The French love flowers. Buy them a huge flower arrangement.

  2. you can give them some American candies with peanut butter for example (in France peanut butter is not very popular...)

    Or a Tshirt (or a cap) of your favourite baseball team, or basketball, or soccer,...

    Don't offer wine or cheese! we have a lot of that in France!

  3. Assuming you are from another country, I also would suggest you purchase something from your own country to take.  

    Another reader suggested clothing.  That sounds like a good idea for the teens. (But what brands are in demand?? Levis?) Maybe a t-shirt for the boy and/or costume jewelry for the teen girl.

    The 7 year old girl may prefer a plaything.  Perhaps if you are American, an American Barbie doll or a activity kit of some sort that was made in your home country and may not be available there.  

    I would recommend that you watch the labels as your shop.   Avoid the "made in China", and   items like "Bath and Body" because they are popular worldwide.  

    Don't forget to pick up something for the parents also.  Maybe a wine from your home country.

    Remember, do not wrap the gifts before flying, because of security.  You may want to take your own gift wrap so that it will have that personal touch.

    Have fun.


  4. When my daughter was a guest she brought the mother a small Isabel Bloom statue (made in Iowa). For her teen hosts t-shirts from her college and for the father a coffee table book of our area. They seemed to appreciate the gifts and even called and thanked me.

  5. American clothes are popular in France and are very expensive if French ppl can find em.  Thus, they will think that you spent a fortune on them.  Find something that is easier to fit such as a scarf or sporty blouse/shirt rather than hard to fit items like shoes or jeans.  Sweaters might work, too-- many French ppl have only 1-2 sweaters so they will appreciate it very much.  Windbreakers/jackets are another idea. De rien et bon voyage!

  6. Are you from another country visit them in France???

    You are not really clear.

    Take something from your country.

  7. The French love their food, they hate English food.  Take them out for a lovely meal - a French meal.

  8. How about an 11 yr old boy....should even things out.

    Seriously though...the french love wine and cheese. Get them some made locally from where you are. I think they will enjoy both.

  9. hi

    I think you can give them oil painting from their photo means turn their photo in oil painting it will create nice impression on them.

    Capture that special moment.turn it into a masterpiece that will last forever!

    i suggest u to look at this site i think it will help u,

    A great idea for a personal and unique gift is a handmade painting made from a photo that you send.

    Check out this site:

    They have many samples here

    The prices are reasonable and the outcome is amazing.

  10. dont get them american wine

  11. Find out what their shoe sizes are, go to Marshall's/TJ Maxx, and get them a couple pairs of Converse or Pumas. They are very popular and very expensive in France. American school T-shirts and sweatshirts are also popular. Candy (not chocolate) might be a good idea - my students adored Pixie Stix.

  12. Bonjour! Je suggère que vous achetiez une poupée de barbie pour la jeune fille. Une balle de football pour le plus vieux garçon. Et quelques chemises agréables pour l'autre fille.

  13. I guess it depends what they`re into. Get to know them abit and when you get them to say something that they`d want try to remember that. Pourquoi as-tu besoind d'acheter un cadeaux pour eux? Bonne chance;)

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