
I'm still afraid to bring up my period with my mom?

by  |  earlier

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She even knows about it and I'm too embarresed still to bring it up!! My sister told her (Yeah, thanks for that) And she like felt bad that I couldnt tell her, and use my sis as a messenger. I feel like....ashamed or something, ya know? How should I bring it up? She knows I dont like talking about it -so she NEVER did. I wish she did. I need pantiliners...but should I just never ask for it? PS: I dont want to write a note, please! And please dont say: "She's your mom she'll understand!" What I'm asking is how would she feel if I ask for it? Will she think I'm gross or something? That I look at myself and know I need pantiliners?? I EVEN HAVE A COUPON!!! How do I start the convo?




  1. does your mum put a shopping list on the fridge?

    if she does just write "pantiliners" on the list

    otherwise go up to her some time and be like "hey mum, can you get me some pantiliners when you next go shopping please?"

    and she should hopfully just say yes and leave it at that

    i dont think she will gossip about it, my mum sounds like the same as ur mum, my mum gossips about EVERYTHING

    and she didnt telll anyone about me needing pantiliners

    ur mum probably went through the same problem as you so just go and ask her and i dont think she will gossip or think bad of you, she will just understand that you are growing up!

    good luck!

  2. when i started mine i didnt even have the guts to tell her so your doing better than me. just send her an email or when she "tucks you in" or once your light is off just be like "mom i need some more pantiliners." yea that always works for me so good luck. or u can buy  them yourself. ok

  3. dont worry shes your mom and she will understand, dont act like shell think your a freak or something  =o=; just tell her you need to talk and if you feel very uncomfortable after saying that wisper it in her ear.

  4. Just go to the store with a bunch of friends,

    and then say you need to go get something,

    and then go get some and buy them :]

    i went with my friends when i was too embarrassed to buy tampons.

  5. She'll be glad that you felt you could confide in her. She won't think you're dirty, everyone has discharge sometimes, some more than others and its never dirty to look at yourself, you need to know whats going on down there. She'll be pleased you felt you can talk to her so just do it.

  6. she'd probably be excited to get them for you...i know if i had a daughter i'd be frikin happy to do that for her

    it also lets the momma know that their kid is comfortable with you

  7. of course its not GROSS, how is it gross? i it was gross, that wuld mean every girl on the planet almsot is "gross". its a period. its natural. she KNOWS about it.

    just tell her realy naturally. like go downstairs if she there and go to the kitchin to get a drink.and her whats up and then mention "oh, by the way can you pick me up some pads when you go to the store?" she will most likely say something like "sure, honey" or whatever your mom calls you and then switch the topis quickely so like "oh i heard that aunt had her knee operation how did that go?" or something and then just..yea itl be all over.

    i still find it alkward to ask my mom to pick up tampons. im 15. lol you sometimes you just HAVE to ask...or look around in like drawers and stuff for some.

  8. Tough question, but really, she IS your mom and she WILL understand. It's not you like you have a std or something. Periods are normal and every woman has them. Don't be ashamed of something that is normal and healthy! Just go up to your mom when she isn't doing anything, and say something like "Mom I know we never really talk about this, but I need to buy feminine hygiene products and I would really appreciate your help."

    Best wishes!

  9. you post this question everyday! ull just have to get over it!

  10. When I started mine I was 12 and I went up to my mother and said I didn't know what was in my underwear (charming conversation starter right??) . It hadn't occurred to me it might be my period. My mother immediately bought me pads - surely your mother has pads she can share in an emergency...

    Anyway does your if your sister is older she most likely has had more experience and will be willing to help. Ask her to buy some for you until you feel ready to talk with your mother.

  11. yeah, im the exact same way. you dont really have to bring it up or talk about it, its something every woman gets and she probably knows how embarassing it is to talk to a mom about it, she went through it too., and when you need pantiliners or whatnot, just go to your mom and ask her for a few dollers for personal items, that way you dont have to talk about it, and you can buy it your self, it really helps. good luck!

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