
I'm still getting conflicting media news about Georgia, anyone know what's right?

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From what I've gathered, South Ossetia is an 'unrecognized' country (under Georgian jurisdiction) and Russia supported it, while Georgia rejected it.

Georgia launched an offensive into South Ossetia to try to root out rebels (or trying to kick out Russia?). Russia, then launches a 'massive' counterattack to punish Georgia. Not surprisingly, Russia is pretty much winning right now.

Did I miss anything? Who's the good guys or the bad guys?




  1. I am so confused about it all myself. I feel badly for the ppl of Georgia but I think there is so much more to it all that we may never know the answers to. Vladmir Putin was in an intense discussion during the Olympics opening ceremonies with George Bush sitting beside him ( Laura in the middle actually ) the announcer was joking that they were probably discussing the previous performance of the ceremony but I do not think so! I know Georgia and the US are allies and we've been having many disagreements with Russia lately so something is going on.

  2. ~I'll try to give you the short version.

    South Ossetia is a small area within the borders of Georgia but since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has considered South Ossetia it's property. The area known as North Ossetia lies within the boundaries of Russia. Because South Ossetia lies with Georgian boundaries, the Georgian government has considered SO it's property.  Most of the people in SO consider themselves to be citizens of an independent nation.  The majority of the inhabitants of SO are not religiously or culturally Georgian; they speak Ossetian (a variation of Farzi similar to the old Persian language).   Within SO, the people are divided between those who want independence from both countries and those who want to be part of Russia.  It's a real mess.

    Prior to the elections in 2003, the Georgian government was pro-Russia.  As it turned out, the '03 elections were rigged and the new government is pro-Western (USA).  (Think the CIA might have been involved in this fiasco, too???)  This really ticked off the Russians.

    Then in April 2008, Russia not only expanded its support for South Ossetia's independence but starting supporting another area within Georgia, Abkhazia, to break free from Georgia.  Russia was ticked off at the US because we supported Kosovo's declaration of independence from Russia's ally, Serbia, and Georgia's push for NATO membership.  

    So, Russia and Georgia both decided to be big bullies and South Ossetia decided to pledge allegiance to Russia (they're bigger and have better toys) and the excrement is hitting the rotary cooling device.  Now, Georgia has declared a "state of war" and the Bush administration is trying not to throw up all over itself.  Just another day in the life of neo-con diplomacy.

    Why?  Simple, we overthrew another pro-Russian country and installed a pro-Western leader.  We liked that oil pipeline that runs through Georgia (but Russia likes it even more).  The Russians do not like us anymore and now Bush is wetting himself because there is no question Russia will win this little pissing contest and we don't want to send in troops to back Georgia (not that we have the troops to spare given how well they are doing in Afghanistan and Iraq, plus we have to hold some in reserve for Iran, Korea and Pakistan) and have the Russians REALLY ticked at us -- and get our asses kicked.  Having backed Osama bin Laden, the Taliban and the Afghan war lords to get the Trans-Afghanistan pipeline and having blown that deal, Georgie the Younger doesn't want to lose even more profits from the Georgian pipeline because his daddy and d**k Cheney will probably put him in the time-out chair (not to mention what it will cost the American consumer).  It's kinda like backing Big Brown in the Belmont.

    So, now we have Americans facing a possible "Cuban Missle Crisis" and they're all having a breakdown because John Edwards boinked some bimbo.  If this little skirmish doesn't end quickly and diplomatically in Georgia, no one will give a hoot about who got laid because we're all gonna be phucked.

    P.S.  As usual, there are no good guys or bad guys -- just a lot of gas and hot air -- with very, very, very big weapons that go BOOM!  Before trying to lay the blame on either Russia or Georgia, at least check into Uncle Sam's involvement in stirring the pot and getting it boiling.

  3. It's a war zone, not an organized football game. Are you expecting a play by play from John Madden? Russia will win because they have the superior firepower. As to who is right, that will be determined by who wins and gets to write the history books. Did I mention that Russia has the superior firepower?

  4. Hitler attacked Poland for the same reasons and was appeased by getting the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia because of pockets of ethnic Germans within those countries.  Hitler was trying to get back all the land in the old empire back and Putin is trying to do the same.  Georgia is only the size of South Carolina and cannot be divided up and as we can see is susceptible to Russian aggression.  Russia has been occupying parts of Georgia (and Chechnya) for some time now and still occupies a part of Poland (Konnigsburg).  Georgia knows its relative weakness and her failure to be added to NATO was a sure sign that Europe did not care about her fate (Czechoslovakia again) so it is unlikely they launched the attack to evict the Russian n***s but is likely that given carte blanche from the west, Russia used the Georgian attempt of stopping terrorist attacks as an excuse to invade.  That puts Russia on the bad guy side.  What is telling though is the huge losses Russia took - scores of tanks and several aircraft.  I knew their military was a joke but I didn't think it was THAT bad!

    The question is, will the west appease the n***s again?  

    I now have better understanding of why Russia opposes anti-missile missiles in Czechoslavakia:  if functional, their ballistic missile used against Georgia could have been stopped.  It could be used to tame Russian agression.

  5. It's quite clear that Georgia started this conflict even though i'm sure U.S media will blame Russia as the aggressor. Georgia is a U.S ally and is trying to clame South Ossetia back by force. South Ossetia is run by separatists who want to join their ethnic kin in North Ossetia, across the border in Russia. Russia has come to South Ossetia aid and now there is all out war. Now I kept asking myself why would a small force(Georgia) start a suicide mission when it's clear Russia would destroy them. Well it seems to me that the Georgian President is being used as a puppet because he can't be this stupid. Puppet for what and for whom you ask, good question. I think the U.S is encouraging Georgia to do this.

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