
I'm still in love with my a*****e ex boyfriend.?

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well I'm only 15 but i dated a kid my age for a year. we were perfect together and i loved him so much! we broke up once in may and then got back together. he claimed i was "too attached". everyday i wanted to be with him and would talk to him constantly. Once i cried everyday and begged for him to come back he finally did. 5 days later we were together again., remember we're only 15. from then on he was never the same to me, he'd never answer my calls or text me anymore. he was always fighting with me and would just be really mean. he'd never call me back and would leave me hanging for weeks. and all i wanted to do was talk to him for at leat 5 minutes to say goodnight. every night he'd never hang out with me and i was getting really upset. He used to call me every night and when we got back together for the 2nd time he never would call.

He would never hang out with me anymore either. and since i was so over protective with him i'd think hes always with other girls. i know I'm young to be sooo attached but he was like seriously my first love.

an so finally in june we broke up again, he said he just wanted to be with his friends. i cried and begged but no luck. it took a few weeks but i moved on. over the summer i kept seeing him and he used me one night to get stuff and then was an a*****e again. i still love him and want him, but is he really worth it?

i know the way i typed this it makes me seem wrong and like waaay to obsessive. but all my friends agree too that he was such an a*****e to me and hurt me a lot of time and badly too. but i dont know why i still love him and want him back. i cant let go. and i see him everyday in school now too.




  1. Sad but true females are way more into the romance and I want to find true love thing, guys just arent. Exspecialy at that age, the averge guy matures at around 30 years old and sometimes even older.

    I had a high school relationship similar to yours and hun all I can say is don't stress it don't get on that rode because you'll end up keep falling for guys who are gonna dog you out.

    I went throgh many dawgs that was abusive physicaly, mentaly, and sexually. And now I'm not happy with my current boyfriend cuz he to is a jerk.

    What I'm saying basically that guys can s***w a girl up bad, and if you feel for him chance are you are gona pass up the good men.

    It sucks cuz one of my ex was a real man, and I know he'd take me back. But i'm to kids latter, with a broken heart, and a bad view on mens. And well he just don't deserve that.

    Hit the books, be young, live life, and what till you are old enough to not get fooled in and out of bad relationships.

    I wish I had someone to tell me this :-(

    Dad was a dawg, and moms was always at worked. So everything I know and learnt I had to learn on my own.

  2. The true answer is you don't love him and it sounds like you need to find out what love is and what it is not....Love is kind, never rude, gentle, never proud or rude or boastful, love trusts and real love never fails...we all need to learn how to is putting others needs above our may have needed to talk and cling constantly - but he didn't.....whose needs were you thinking of constantly?....I use to be just like you....and never even realized how thoughtless I could be....I am learning with the help of Jesus....

    you need to get into a youth Bible Study if you ever want to obtain and sustain true love.......and you may get a bonus of a true love....with a kind and gentle guy who will also be learning how to Jesus loves you very, very, much!!!

    All the answers to all of your questions, my questions and everyone else's questions can be found in one Book, which is full of grace- the letter from our heavenly Father; The Holy Bible...

    We need to read and learn by the help of the Holy Spirit to live it....and the Word was with Him and the Word was God...and the Word manifest Himself as flesh and dwelt among us....God is love and God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins...and all those who call on His name shall be saved!!!

    I pray that you do not ignore this advice....your very happiness/life depends on it...God bless you!!!

    The joy of the Lord is our strength....

    Everyone wants to be around a person who is smiling, happy, and has a fun and loving this person....and you won't have to get'll be getting on.....

    and thank our good Lord!!!

  3. He doesn't respect you because you don't respect yourself. You allow him to treat you like a kleenex to be used and disposed of. The worst part is you know all this and keep going back for more, begging actually. it's time for you to take a total break from dating and do some work on yourself. Get a counselor and talk about your feelings and try and figure out why you think you don't deserve to be treated well. if you had any self-esteem you would have told that joker to hit the road along time ago and never looked back. People will only treat you as well as you expect to be treated. Love yourself enough to say You aren't going to allow anyone to treat you this way-ever, not for any reason is it ok. And when you get to the core of your issues and do the work and can say this and really mean it- your life will change, I guarantee it. Talk to a counselor.Good luck.

  4. whoa, your obsessing over a guy that treats you bad, dump his *** and stop being a door mat

  5. well if he being that such an a*****e i would dump him so quick he be flying but still im a boy  so yah if a girl did that to me i would say what the matter with you or something buut if he doesnt want to be with you dont worry about you will fine other boys that really like you and dont be an a*****e

    i hope you get what im saying!

  6. Your title question holds the answer.  If you have only been with someone for a year and you're already referring to them as an 'a*****e' on Yahoo Answers, it isn't a great relationship.  Forget it.  Not love, sorry.

  7. this might sound patronising but you wil find sooooo much better guys in the future i know your feelings for him are strong but you need to move on, it hasnt worked and you guys have already tried a few times, its not going to work out. just lean on your mates to get over this. good luck x

  8. no sweetie. he isnt worth it. you seem so nice and you deserve waaayyy better than him. it will take awhile but you'll get over him and find a better guy. just remember that you can do so much better and you deserve someone that makes you happy and treats you right. =]

  9. My dear. Unless you change your opinion of yourself I just see this happening again and again.  

  10. Dear Shelby,

    I think many of us have been there. The problem is, you are not in love with the a$$hole he is, you are in love with the guy that you were first with. Also, it seems that we tend to see guys through rose colored glasses when we first fall for them, and honestly, even if he were a jerk from the beginning, you couldn't see it for all the emotion you were feeling. You want him back because you are currently feeling that you will never find another guy to love and love you back. You will. I guarantee it. But it can't happen until you let the past go and learn from it.

    This guy is committment phobic. He does not want a steady relationship with you or probably anyone else. When he gets what he wants, he needs to get out because he feels smothered. On the other hand, I hope you spend a little time thinking this through for yourself. If you really want someone who would use your need for love by having s*x with you and then tossing you over the next day, you aren't loving yourself enough. It takes a lot of courage to walk away from an abusive relationship and thats what you have with him. If you don't start working on your own ego and how wonderful YOU are, the next guy will be someone who can knock you around a couple of times but you will forgive him because of your need to be loved. This slippery slope starts young in life, I know, because I lived it!

    You sound like a bright articulate and giving person. You DESERVE a bright articulate and giving person in return. If this is really getting you down, please, talk to a counselor or an adult you respect. This is a bigger issue than your first love. It is the foundation on which you are building all the future relationships you are going to have. If your best friend was treated this way by a guy. You know the type. Takes you to bed, leaves and goes on to the girl he really wants, what would you tell her?

    I am so proud of you for walking away from him the second time you guys broke up. It sounds like that inner strength is being tested, but you DO have it. No matter how you feel, the only thing I can guarantee is that life is always changing. When you feel down, it seems like it will last forever, but it won't.  Every day you stay away, you get stronger. Take a look at your dependence issues and your insecurity and start working on loving yourself. At 15, it is a whole lot of hurt having a sexual and emotional relationship. Thats why most old people, like me, say wait until you are grounded in yourself and have the confidence and ability to accept that not everyone you love is honorable or ready for a committment. They steal a part of your heart and a part of your soul without you even realizing it.  

    Beyond that, I hear your pain, and wish I could send you a hug. It will get better, and if you close the door on this guy, another door will open. The next time, hopefully you will be ready to find and bring into your life an honorable guy that will treat you as you deserve!

    Biggest hugs,


  11. i know the feeling, he's not worth it.  anyone who makes you cry isnt worth it and i found that out a little to late.  me and my boyfriend almost broke up in june and then worked it out.  then we actually did break up a month ago.  thats exactly how he acts too.  from hearing this i think that we're both kinda stupid for wanting the guys who hurt us the most.  its just the fact that u see him everyday that u still r falling 4 u.  its ok everyone does this i guess.

  12. i'm in a similar situation. i've loved a guy for two years now, who used to love me. we were really close a year ago and acted practically like a little married couple; holding hands in the halls, passing love notes in class, holding each other for hours. but it's weird because we never actually went out. we were never girlfriend and boyfriend, dating kind of thing. but then he got over me i guess and went out with a different girl who never liked him but was just using him for s*x. he knows so much about me, and i can't stand being apart from him, but he doesn't like me anymore. i just can't get over him. i feel like crying because i just want him so bad, but he's been really, really mean to me lately (like the last year).

    i don't think i'm in love with him now so to say, but in love with who he used to be. he's changed a lot. he's the only person to ever show me what real love feels like. but he doesn't understand. i can't type anymore; thinking about him is making me sick.

  13. i guess u can try to pretend that u dont like him and sorta make him jealous? and act better then u did wen u guys dated so maybe h**l like u again. i guess. i hope u have a happy ending! even if u dont... ull find another guy thats better than him. =]

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