
I'm stuck inside my house because of a hurricane and I'm extremellyyyy bored. Any ideas of what i could do?

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I'm stuck inside my house because of a hurricane and I'm extremellyyyy bored. Any ideas of what i could do?




  1. You could bake some cookies. It's fun, yummy and it makes your house smell delicious. Then you can wrap up in a blanket get a cold glass of milk and and watch a movie while you are enjoying your cookies.  

  2. read a book.

  3. it depends on what you like to do? you have a computer and obviously with a connection to the internet. So play some games or what i like to do is watch funny videos on


  4. do some yoga whenever im bored i do yoga it relaxes me n its better than just sitting around the house

  5. if you are bored , exersise with Jack

  6. Okay, umm, yeah Iknow how BORING it can be with nothing to do!!!! Some a friend, play online games(i.e. ect.) Do a complete make-over on your self,( you are a girl right??) I LOVE  doing makeovers on my self!!!! Tonsa' fun!! =D Umm, do you have face book or myspace?? umm, look on the internet at all your favorite brands, yah, know, find whats in and cute, like AE and Hollister ect.

    HAVE FUN(!!!!!!!!!!) & STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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