I was going to add the name Alexina Johanaa. Pronunciations:
-- Johanaa - 'joh-HAH-nah'
-- Bijou - 'BEE-zhoo'
-- Alexina - 'ah-lehk-SEE-nah'
I added the ending of -hanaa- to 'Johanaa' because this is defined as 'happiness; bliss' in Swahili and Arabic, and I have a best friend who is half-Palestinian... Otherwise, I think I like 'Johanna.' I do not like the nickname of Jo, though. Lastly, even though the first syllable of the name Alexina is pronounced 'ah,' I like the occasional nickname of Alex. Please tell me why you like the name(s) you select because I'm having a difficult time. Thank you so much!