
I'm studying latin, and I find memorizing adverbs very hard?

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I speak french and italian, and I find many similarities and that helps me remember certain words, but when it comes to adverbs (and some prepositions) I get lost.




  1. Welcome to the club!

  2. Hi,

    i think u might find a good latin grammer book here.

    its a Catholic site:)

  3. You might find the lessons on the Latinum Podcast help you - you really need to get your head into the language - so that to your brain it stops being this foreign system, and becomes part of your thought process. I advise listening to lots of Latin ( as a beginner, reading a lot is tiring, it is easier to listen to Latin being read aloud).

    Try this:

    On the podcast FAQ are some links to memorisation techniques that you might find useful.

    Latin is not hard - if you treat it as any other language, as a living system.

  4. the adverbs are very hard. latin is a very complicated old/dead language.

    i'm taking latin for my 4th year this year in high school.

    i didn't understand it till my 2nd year, but you'll get use to it if you keep up with it.

  5. The problem with adverbs and prepositions in all European languages is, that although they might be similar looking/sounding they are often used in different ways from language to language. I myself find it helpful to learn phrases that include the adverb/ preposition to get a feeling of context. Sometimes your own language will feature them already e.g. "ad nauseam", "pro bono", "ab ovo" where you can learn the usage with the word. And it helps too, if you formulate a memory aid for yourself, what the medieval scholars used to call "pons asinorum";-)  like: "It's crass, how "cras" is "tomorrow" and "here" or "heri" is "yesterday" in Latin".

  6. Try not to memorize adverbs very hard and you will experience it very easy.

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