
I'm subway worker. what time should i stop serving a sandwich?

by  |  earlier

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the store's open hour is from 8am to 9pm.

i'm the only closing person, and i only get paid for working until 9pm.

My boss don;t pay me for over time.

Around 8:55pm, when i was about to clean up the store and put things away. i've had a customer asking for a sandwich.

i said to her that i should close the store at 9;00pm, which is the time i get paid for,

then she tells me that the open hour is until 9:00 pm so i should make her a sandwich.

we argued for a while, but i finally made her a sandwich so i had to leave at 9:30pm at that night.

do i really have to serve sandwich until 9pm?

my co-workers and boss say do whatever i want to do,

but i really don't know what i can say to those customers




  1. Do what every worker in America should be adept at: make a plausible lie.

    Here's one of my favorite, "I'm sorry, the computer won't let me ring up an order past 9:00"

    What ever you do, don't work when your not being paid, it's one of the corner stones of working in America. If you start it can be really hard to stop. All employers are all inhuman pricks, never do them favors and always take advantage (be the worst employee in the world and you still will come out better when compared to a successful business).

  2. The boss is supposed to pay you to close, but if they have instead told you to "do whatever you want" then lock those doors at 8:30. If anybody has a problem, they can talk to the manager.

    If you don't lock the door, and a customer comes in wanting a sandwich, you should make it for them, even if it's 9:10. So remember to lock that door.

  3. that's bs your boss should pay you till 9:30 because technically you must serve. Acordenly to the hours on the door then clean up and what doing the profits for the day and FYI your boss legally by law has  to pay you overtime

  4. i've worked at subway for about 2 years and we start putting the food away at like 9:50 cause were open till 10 and if people come in we just say we can't serve them

  5. at 9 pm silly

  6. what has happend to customer service these days. he should had ordered  

    6 sandwiches. there's give and take in all walks of life.

  7. It is common courtesy to make sure the end-customer is pleased with the product they are paying for. If your boss doesn't pay you overtime, you may have to look into some legal action for that, but as for closing the door, kindly either offer to make them a sandwich, or give them a discount on their next purchase for the inconvienience.  

  8. You have to get ready to leave, and you stop at 8:55, I think you should lock the doors so no one can get in like 5 minutes before you close the store because then people will realize and you won't have to explain.

  9. Yup, nine PM. Those are the hours they're open, then you're obligated to serve until then. Sorry.

  10. 1st of all your boss is an ****** for not paying you OT.  Every restaurant I've closed at serves food till the time they close.  But if you are alone and don't get paid close the doors 10 minutes early to give you time to close.  Tell that lady sorry we are closed.. I can't help you and show her the door.  People like that just have nothing better to do.

  11. Close the doors and lock them at 9pm sharp AND start now looking for a job! Be a man about it and suck it up without blaming the customers who want a sandwich and the sign on the door says 9pm, not 8:55 or 8:20. The store manager not paying is a personal problem that you are right to be ticked off about but, you shouldn't take it out on the customers - it's not their fault, so why spoil THEIR day? Personally, I would find another job and since the boss is such a prince of a guy I would maybe give him a one day notice that you are gone. BUT!, don't say a word about what you are planning and make sure you have all the money he owes you before you give him the notice!

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