the store's open hour is from 8am to 9pm.
i'm the only closing person, and i only get paid for working until 9pm.
My boss don;t pay me for over time.
Around 8:55pm, when i was about to clean up the store and put things away. i've had a customer asking for a sandwich.
i said to her that i should close the store at 9;00pm, which is the time i get paid for,
then she tells me that the open hour is until 9:00 pm so i should make her a sandwich.
we argued for a while, but i finally made her a sandwich so i had to leave at 9:30pm at that night.
do i really have to serve sandwich until 9pm?
my co-workers and boss say do whatever i want to do,
but i really don't know what i can say to those customers