
I'm such a cheap *** lol!!?

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I have this huge thing with "don't waste". Something that cost way more then it should be ..i won't buy it. If i see something that's just like the product i really wanted and few dollars cheaper, i'll rather buy the cheaper one. or even with glass plates and cups just washing them is wasting water and on top of that having to buy dish soap. i mean why not go to a huge supermarket and buy double the product at a cheaper price and last a very long time? More less save a lot more money on the water bill. I use flash lights at night time or a small lamp, i unplug things i'm not using, saving more money on the bills. I use coupons all the time on most of the things i buy. I had people tell me i went over board but then again they go broke really fast while i still have money in my pocket. I'm trying to help my mom save more money on things just the fact we don't really have alot of money and i try to save as much as i can. am i really that bad?




  1. As long as you are happy with your lifestyle, go for it.

  2. There is nothing wrong with saving money, and conserving resources. Hats off to you.

    Now if only we could convince businesses to use less packaging. Packaging of products we buy make up the bulk of our trash. Also I wish skyscrapers would turn out their lights at night. If we're trying our best than shouldn't businesses be doing the same.

  3. I'm not sure if you have ever seen the movie "The Secret", but it is all about the Law of Attraction.  What you concentrate on is what you get.  If you think "cheap", you are limiting your resources, you have to think "big"!

    I'm all for saving when you have limited resources, but concentrate on what you Want instead of what you don't want.  "SEE" yourself living a life of abundance and keep that thought in mind, eventually you will have created a life of abundance and not only will you not have to worry about paying your bills, but you will have the resources to help others as well!  Win/Win!

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