
I'm such a loser?

by  |  earlier

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Well yesterday i was on the train yesterday, just sitting there tired and had over my face, and this girl/woman opposite me, like when train quietened down she came and sat next to me and asked if i'm all right so i just said yeah i'm alright just hang over she said just wanted to make sure nobody died or anything . She was like didn't wanna be staring at you so thought i'd sit next to you. We then talked for like two minutes had a giggle bout it and then akward silence on my behalf, think she was waitig for me to ask her out but i didn't even give my name so she must of thought i'm a right prick but actually i'm just a dork and way too shy for my age. Then she got off her stop and i thought bout asking her but couldn't get it out, and i'm gutted bout it.

whats wrong with me? i'm such a dork

All this time i was contemplating in my head whether she fancied me or not.




  1. Well you kinda are a loser...How can you not ask, be outgoing and stop being shy, have self confidence, be suggestive, just do it, what could go wrong?

  2. You just weren't doing the right things at the right time. It doesn't mean you're a loser. I suggest getting a book on social cues and body language. It could help you figure out what people want without you having to guess and possibly making a fool of yourself.

  3. Yes, you are a Loser.

    Men like you seem to think women are space aliens and a special skill, code or language is required to communicate with them. Once you realise they are humans like you or me and are also capable of matching you in so many ways, but look prettier and possess nice soft bits, capable of sending you into the stratosphere, you will soon stop hanging round with 'yer mates' and concentrate on whats important. So stop playing red-under-the-bed and go get some Oates, sucker!

  4. im so sorry but she prob liked you and you blew it!

    next time a girl smiles n u or talks to u u just neeed to try to foget that u are there n think if i make an **** of it ill just go home n she will never see me again,

    sometimes in life u just need to try not to think so much, im the exact same, so when i see a girl i just try not to think about it n just go upto her, i know it seems hard but u just cant think, get lost in the moment! u know

    good luck n next time dnt think just look into her eyes n talk, pretent u are talkin to a friend or yours, whaa would you say to him


    good luck

  5. course not.

    How sure are we that the girl was waiting for you to ask her out anyway?

    If she went through all that trouble to sit next to you and talk to you, wouldn't she at least exert more effort in hinting that she wants you to ask her out?

    Anyway, it doesn't hurt to be a bit more confident in the future.  What have you got to lose anyway right?

    Good luck

  6. just blurt it out!

  7. its because you are a loser er duh

  8. She was being friendly.  If she wanted more, she'd have hinted at it.

  9. No, you were hung over and not on top of your game.  Learn from this and don't drink so much that you have a hang over.
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