
I'm suffering from plenty of gas and increased need to pee after a gynae procedure. Is it normal?

by Guest62417  |  earlier

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Last Tuesday I underwent a LLETZ for the removal of precancerous cells in my cervix. Was told that this is a minor procedure and that I won't feel anything afterwards. But ever since I had this procedure done (under general anaesthesia), I'm suffering from plenty of gas, irregular bowel motions (mainly constipation) and an increased need to pass urine. Is this normal?




  1. yes completely normal the gas is sooo horrible, but it kinda goes hand in hand with any gynae op, i've had 3 c/s sections and the gas was one of the worst things, while i was in hospital they gave me peppermint as it helps with the wind

    K xx hope your better soon xx

  2. I had a gyne operation last month to remove a cyst  and i am suffering from irregular bowl movements and VERY increased need to pass urine also.I also do not know if this is normal but you are not alone.

    Gas is probably still from you op were they fill your insides with gas to blow it out so they have space to work inside.I was also gassy and burpy.

    As the the constipation if it continuesyou should visit your doctor asap as really they should have checked if you passed bowls before you left.My mum had a gynea op and the pierced her bowl causing costipation.Not to scare you but just informing.

    hope this helps


  3. Removal of precancerous cervical cell only is not possible.Find out what kind of operation you had.General anesthesia and infection may be the cause of your complaints.

  4. I had this procedure and did not get these symptoms just bled after about 2 weeks for about 7 days was horrid. Hope you're okxx

  5. Yes it is normal, though I am very surprised that it wasn't mentioned to you at the time. I've had a couple of minor gynecological procedures and I have always been told exactly what to expect afterward. That includes gas, pain, bowel and bladder problems. You should be fine, though if it continues without abating for too long then you should mention it to your doctor at your follow-up exam. Just in case.

  6. This is normal and will pass don't worry.

    The need to pee is probably because of what they have been doing down there so your urethra will maybe be quite sensitive and you may feel like you need to wee all the time.

    It will pass, don't worry.

    Hope you soon feel better and remember to go for your regular smears so that these cells can be caught early if they arise again.

  7. speek to a doc i had this done a few years ago now i bled and was sore for a couple of days but had no other symptoms like you don't let it worry you just give the docs a ring hope you get sorted x

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