
I'm suffering from travellers dioreah in India, will I lose weight?

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i'm kinda scared cos i'm a recovering anorexic still thin and i keep losing nutrients and fluids




  1. You really need to be very careful that you do not dehydrate!  The fluid loss that accompanies diarrhea can easily cause dehydration.  Avoid sugary liquids as it will increase the amount of water in your lower intestines.  If you cannot keep up with the fluid loss via oral hydration therapy, it may be necessary for IV hydration. I strongly suggest an evaluation by your physician to determine if your diarrhea is caused by an infection which would require antibiotic therapy.  Traveler's diarrhea is often assumed, but in underdeveloped countries (such as India), it is not uncommon to contract amoebic dystentery - which can involve different bacterium :primarily shigella, campylobacter or salmonella.  Only laboratory tests can determine which pathogen is involved, and determine the appropriate course of treatment.  Being a recovering anorectic, your GI tract, as well as other organ systems, may be far more sensitive to the effects and consequently, more susceptible to more serious consequences associated with dehydration than others individuals battling such infections.  I urge you to contact your physician's on call service to inform him/her for an emergency evaluation.  In the meantime, please try to get at least 5 cc (1 teaspoon) of clear liquids or ice chips orally every five minutes in an attempt to offset the fluid loss.  Feel better.

  2. You are correct in being worried that you will lose weight, and not just water weight, but the all important electrolytes that keep a body functioning normally.  You need to see a physician.

  3. Note your concerns due to general level of health and stamina, but think the most important thing you need to do is keep hydrated. Page below recommends drinking soups or fruit juice with a little salt and honey added. Seems sensible to me, but maybe it would be wise for you to make sure that there's someone around who will keep an eye on you and call in a doctor if you should take a turn for worse?

  4. Keep taking your medications and use only boiled or bottled water to drink. Drink plenty of fluids. Keep eating your regular meals. You will not lose weight.

    Use lemonade with plenty of sugar and some salt. It will be a lot helpful. Buy apples or drink lot of apple juice. Apples have a natural medicinal properties to control loose motions.

    India is a hot and humid land and in this rainy season the parasites and germs thrive. This is the reason Indians have a habit of washing hands before eating anything. And, do not eat from any roadside joints or food hawkers. These are places which even educated Indians avoid.

    Always select a good and hygienic place to eat food.  

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