
I'm super scared I'm going into middle school?

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i am so scared i am going to middle school and am afraid i will be late cuz of my lockers what do i do????????????????????




  1. last year i was in the same spot as you are.....dont worry everyone is!!! the first week (depending on your school) the teachers are very understanding and the principal usally tells everyone not to worry and as long as you dont fool around in the hallways...youll be fine!!!!! good luck!!!

  2. You will be alright, promise, after a few times opening your locker, you will find its very easy, and you'll have lots of time. Between classes they usually give you 5 minutes, so that's lots of time. It will be fun, and if your late the first few days, teacher's usually don't hold it against you, because your new at it! Good Luck!  

  3. middle school isn't that bad.its just like elementary school sorta but the people are just a bit older,the curriculum is harder and you change classes and dont need to be afraid.

  4. aww don't worry! everything will be fine. i remember my first day of middle school i couldn't get my lock open and i almost started crying.  you'll be fine.

    teachers know that you're new to the whole locker thing, so they'll cut you some slack the first few days. soon enough you'll get into a routine of when you need to go to your locker. when i'm late to class i usually just sneak in and no one notices.

    seriously it will all work out. have fun!

  5. you're right it is scary,but most everyone else is kinda scared too.middle school is only as hard as you make it.just don'tpanick when you are opening your locker and it will be ok.the teachers  should  be more understanding for the new kids.

  6. You'll be ok, my strategy is to carry the first 2 books you'll need. Then come back to your locker to get the other ones. It depends on how close you are to your classes. - Zoe

  7. Many, many students are also new.  You will all be late the first few times.  But very quickly you will figure out how quickly you need to walk, which route is best, when to go to your locker and when not to, and so on.

    Please don't worry.  You will figure all this out very quickly.

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