
I'm suppose to leave to Cancun tomorrow,Please help!!?

by Guest66788  |  earlier

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im suppose to be leaving to cancun tomorrow, but of course i wont because of the hurricane. does anyone know where i can find out how the weather will be in a couple of weeks?? i have to change my itinerary by tomorrw morning and im not sure when i should change it to. any ideas??suggestions?? PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. Cancun was not affected at all.  Nevertheless you can check the weather in the following site:

    it will give you a forecast for future, but I am not sure if anybody can predict with any level of accuracy two weeks in advance.

    This could be a very nice time to go.  The storm hit way south and Cancun only got some rain.  There is very little chance of another storm hitting right away.

    Good luck

  2. You should call your airline.  They are probably having to help all their customers and have options.  Good luck and hope you get to go!

  3. im actually leaving for cancun tomorrow..the weather there is fine rite now..i called the hotel and its sunny and warm just alitte windy but there were no damages there...go to this site been going on there this whole week and they;ve been accurate so far..

  4. Honestly, it's quite difficult to rely on weather that far ahead of time.  You do know that this is the middle of hurricane season, right?  This time next week they could say that there is another hurricane bearing down on Mexico.  The best you can do is take your chances or rebook for the spring or even Christmas or something.

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