
I'm sure this is really basic and has to do with cutting and pasting but if you can help me I'd be grateful.

by  |  earlier

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Here goes- I've created a document on windows wp and a file on my sytem. I now want to upload it into the files of a yahoo group . I've created a file on the group for it and have uploaded the file to the folder but at this stage windows will not alow it to be opened. there is a list of out standing actions Edit,Delete and Cut.It runs to 3 sheets at present and I think I may need to cut and paste it into one for the file.Am I Right? If so can anyone give me an idiots guide how to! Thanks.




  1. the thing with uploading files to a group is members may not have that program to open it.

    if you can copy and paste from off that WP file, then go to the group folder, open it, click add text file and a text box pops up that you can paste the file into.

  2. Allow me to add that the instructions for uploading a file are in the help area of the group:

    And yes, if you use a word processor like MS Works, then many people who have MS Word may not know how to open it.

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