
I'm taking a Carnival Cruise.....?

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I'm taking a Carnival Cruise. Am I expected tip besides for the $10 they are already charging me? If yes, then how much for room service, etc..?




  1. I've sailed with Carnival three times. We always leave our auto tips in place. If there is someone who does an extra good job serving us then we leave an evelope with $20-40 extra for them. Most of them work over 11 hours a day and never get a whole day off for the length of their contract. They work very hard and really deserve it.

  2. who cares

  3. The $10 per day per person is automatically added to your Sail and Sign account. You have complete discretion to change it up or down. It is unnecessary to give any additional tips. Some ppl reduce the automatic gratuity and give a little money to their cabin steward and wait staff. It is actually best to go the automatic route. That way, everyone on board shares in it at least some, keeping in mind the security staff, maintenance, laundry, ppl working down in the engine room, even the orchestra members, among countless other departments !!!

  4. uhh well  i'm going on a carnival cruise soon too. i havent been on one yet but i've been on plenty of other cruises and for pretty much everything, we just gave them 3-5 dollars.

  5. Room service: it's customary to give a couple of bucks each time.

    Also, in addition to the automatic gratuity I personally like to show appreciation if crewmembers go out of their way.  Usually $10-$30 depending on who it is and what they did.  ($30 for a dining steward who got me a complete set of menus to take home; $20 to the cabin steward because I asked him to be sure to change the pillow cases each and every day, and he did.)

    If this is your first cruise, you might want to check out the "know before you go" guide which covers how to stay healthy, packing tips, etc.:

    Have a great vacation!

    p.s. If you'd like to share some of your stories/pictures from your trip, you can get a free online Cruise Journal at:  I'm sure people would love to hear about your cruise!

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