
I'm taking college honors classes plus normal classes and I'm afraid of being overwhelmed?

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I'm a sophomore in college and I'm taking honors microeconomics (or economics 2), Honors Forum (exactly what it sounds like), and have to have at least 10 hours of community service each semester to complete the Honors Program and I have about 4 other classes. I'm also the secretary of the college's business honor society (Alpha Beta Gamma). I really want to kick my own *** b/c I feel as if I put myself at risk of being overwhelmed. How do I balance




  1. Wow, sounds like you have a busy semester!

    I've taken a few honors classes myself, and to tell you the truth, they weren't much harder than the average classes I've taken... and actually easier than some. Don't freak out about the honors classes just yet. Treat them as any other class.

    Ten hours of community service isn't much. This can easily be done over Fall Break or for a couple of hours every other Saturday.

    If you get into the semester and start to feel too overwhelmed, I would drop the secretary position. While that position will look good on a grad school application or a job resume, it's not going to look as good as your grades are. You go to college for the grades, so don't let them slack if the secretary position is pulling you back!

    As for the balancing act, I'm all about the 'reward system'. Want to go out with your friends? Well, study first and then reward yourself by going out with your friends (or whatever you desire). It will make you feel good that you got it done, instead of feeling guilty that you went when there's work to be done.

    No matter what, don't keep your head in your books at all times. We all need a break, and there's no sense of getting burnt out.

    For now, keep your head up and don't worry about feeling overwhelmed. If you predict that you will be overwhelmed, then you will be. Keep telling yourself that you can do this; keep positive and I'm sure you'll be just fine. : )

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