
I'm taking metformin.......Need your help!?

by Guest62282  |  earlier

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so i'm taking metformin because i don't get my period and i'm not ovulating today is 6 day. But i still haven't got my period. How long do have wait?




  1. metformin is a good drug to help those of us with PCOS and or insulin resistance get our cycle back to normal and help fertility. Metformin though isn't one that will work right away.. I believe that it took me about 3 months for the metformin to start regulating my cycle. I have gotten pregnant on metformin 3 times. I lost 2 of those but that was due to not continueing the metformin once I was pregnant. My PCOS increases my miscarriage rate to over 50% and the metformin helped this one stick around finally. I'm 22 weeks right now.

    Good luck

  2. Metformin isn't like Clomid or its ilk. It works with your body to get your body to do what it should. And it can take between three and six months to fully take effect.

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