
I'm taking my driving test in 2 weeks do you have any advice for me people out there? coz i'v already failed 3

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I'm taking my driving test in 2 weeks do you have any advice for me people out there? coz i'v already failed 3




  1. Well I failed my drivers test twice the things that I focused on the second and third time was..

    don't panic and get nervous (because the instructor will be able to notice and see that you're not confident with the road)

    Dont rush to get it over with I did this the first time and failed because I took it on my 16th birthday and wanted my licence but rushing was the first thing that the instructor said that made him feel uncomfortable.

    and lastly get their early and try to look around at the place where you are taking it unless you are taking it at a place where they dont take it on a closed course. And work on what you were told failed you the first time

    good luck!

  2. Ya know, unless things have changed, I would go into the test and be loose.  Don't worry about anything precisely because you can just go back in the next day and do it again!  I'm sure you drive well when there isn't a crabby instructor next to you writing down every little silly mistake possible, one of the reasons why people fail.  Just go in there, be loose and remember that you can just return the following day . . . hopefully you'll have someone who isn't in a bad mood the next time!!

    Good luck to you . . .

  3. Lord have mercy I'd prob give up and let others do the driving if it were me.

    Have you ever considered public transportation and as a last resort their is a cab but that gets spendy maybe walking is best with high gas prices and all.Or the bike.

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