
I'm teaching a friend how to swim???

by  |  earlier

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It just comes natural for me cuz im so used to should i teach him???

any ideas???

thanks for the help




  1. well what you should do is go in the water try to lay he/she  

    down flat in the water and move her hands and feet until she gets the feeling that she can do it by herself and boom you just taught her how to swim

  2. Well start by having him float on his back and then stomach, then start working on some arm and leg motions.  Hope that helps!!!!

  3. Heres a book?

  4. make fun of them during it so that that way they will get so mad it will be easier for them to learn.

  5. I'm going to assume this person is afraid of the water.  If not, jump into my suggestions where they fit in.

    First, get them comfortable in the water.

    Then get them comfortable putting their face in the water (bobbing, blowing bubbles, etc)

    Next, teach them to back float and front float.  This will raise their confidence that they are not going to sink when they start to swim.

    Once they are comfortable, start with gliding, then with strokes.

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