
I'm tempted to go to the chippy, what should I get you?

by  |  earlier

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Obviously I'm not gonna pay for yours.. what would you like if I was paying.. and NO chip forks!!!




  1. cod n chips please. i wanna chip fork  though, pretty please♥

  2. nothing for me thanks i work in a chippy sick of the sight of chips thankyou for asking though.

    Just been reading through the answers isn't it funny how people call the same thing different names

    some one has but bread cake where i'm from it's t cake someone put fritter we call them dabs

  3. Fried Mars bar, I've never tried one but would love to.

  4. Already been you should of said but i did have a nice salad and chips son had pie and hubby had fish cake. Hope you enjoy

  5. can  i  have  a  deep  fried  mars  bar  plz

  6. Fish, chips and mushy peas. Oh and some ketchup, salt and vinegar too!!

  7. Chips, battered sausage and a large gherkin for me - ta!

  8. did this last night, had mince beef and onion pie, chips and curry sauce, my favorite, daughter had sausage and batter with chips, hubby had fish and chips, feeling hungrier yet ? lol

  9. Sausage, Chips and Curry..

    Oh and a few fritters, cant beat some fritters..

  10. Could you get me a kebab from the kebab shop next door, cheers.

  11. Battered sausage and chips and some curry sauce please.

    No vinegar....Yuck!

  12. Steak pudding,chips and mushy peas please, I'll have the bread buttered and the tea brewed by the time you get here !

  13. I'll have chicken, chips with plenty of salt and vinegar please

  14. i have no idea what chippy is but thats ok    i would have lobster!!!! mmmmm:]

  15. King Rib and chips, with a big pickled onion, lots of vinegar and a glass bottle of diet Irn Bru please! :-D

  16. I'd like a big portion please. Oh and a pickled egg with that so my breath smells beautiful!!!

    If they have a battered mars bar or snickers then I'll have that for desert!

    Oh and can you get me a couple of those blue kids carton drinks with a red spiky straw just in case ....

  17. Chips, cheese and pakora sauce

  18. Fish, chips, curry sauce and a bread cake please!

    I've been craving fish and chips for weeks now.

  19. Fish chips and mushy peas!

  20. poo please

  21. fish chips and mushy peas

  22. some soda.

    that is all young grasshopper

  23. chips ,chicken mushroom pie and gravy plus a buttered roll

  24. chips, rice and curry... mmm

    and I'll eat it with my fingers, I'm not fussy!

  25. cod ,chips and a wally please


  26. fwench fwies pweasee

  27. Nothing for me but thank you for asking.

  28. steak pudding, chips, peas, gravy and bread and butter please, you payin or me???

  29. a scallop and a battered sausage

  30. mock chop supper :) or Arbroath smokies!!:)

  31. if you are going to my local chippy, could you get an eight by four laminated hardboard for me, in oak color. Please

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