
I'm terrified by old men!

by  |  earlier

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i'm so afraid of them. specially when i don't know them and they don't look friendly to me... and are skinny, lonely, smokers or drunk....

they disgust me so much. i always think they are pedophiles or mental disturbed persons that could kill me somehow. yeah, its wierd but its true... im terrified by the idea of being raped or abused by one, seriously. i think i have a trauma or something. when i don't know them and they get closer, i go nervous, disgusted and i sometimes run away. do i have a problem or something?




  1. What do you mean by "old men?" If you're 14 and you mean guys that are like, 40+, then I can understand why you might think they're creepy and pedophile-y sometimes. Guys who are 40+ who lust after teenage girls are extremely creepy to me, too.

    If you're talking about men who are 75+, they are usually gentlemen... but I can't understand them sometimes! They mumble.

  2. 65+ where do you live a retirement home in Florida?

  3. yes

  4. a skinny drunk smoking old guy? id run too ;)

  5. Uh, I'd suggest talking to your psychiatrist.  You sound paranoid.

  6. Grampa Wilson wants to take you to Sizzler.

    C'mon little Shrimp!

  7. I would say that you have a serious problem. Seek help from a professional...this is an unhealthy obsession.

  8. sorry i gotta report this it isnt a question

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