
I'm terrified of plans, mainly them crashing.. Should I be?

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Reassurance would be great :]




  1. planes are the fastest way to travel when it comes down to it more people travel by plane without accidents everyday compare that to a car

  2. You mean Planes?? You'll be fine

  3. I'm the same way (even if I'm not on them but see them flying overhead). So here's some things that have helped me:

    1. Fly anyways: the fear can't control you if you do what you're afraid of, but start with shorter flights and try for decent weather.

    2. Donkeys kill more people every year than planes do (and when was the last time  you heard of someone dying by donkey?)

    3. At least for me, the million to one odds line doesn't work.( I mean the lottery has bad odds too, and people still win that, so that comparison has never soothed me). So here's a better way to look at it: I heard on the Today show once, that if you randomly got on one commercial flight per day, every single day, odds are that it'd be almost 200 years before you were in a plane crash. That's a long, long time!

    4. Whenever you do fly, watch the flight attendents. I've found that when I watch them joking and talking with each other and passengers, I calm down a little. I mean, they wouldn't be doing that if they though the plane was going to crash.

  4. I think you mean "planes" not "plans". The best thing for you to do is bring a book or magazine, watch the movie that's on, bring your MP3 player, etc. to keep yourself occupied. They say that there's a better chance you'll be in a car crash vs. a plane crash. Don't worry about it. :)

  5. It's natural to have a fear.  It helps to learn more about how safe planes are, though.  I've flown for nearly four years, with no accident, or incident, not even a close call.  Course, I train to handle them if they happen, and I pre-flight the plane more thoroughly than I probably need to.  I have also flown lots of folks who were scared of flying.  They trusted me.  So, find a pilot you can trust, and learn a bit more about flying.  It's a lot of fun, and something so few of us get to do what we enjoy.

  6. No, safer to fly than drive.

  7. Your PLAN will never succeed with spelling like that.But seriously its safer than crossing the street or driving in a car.

    Try going to your nearest flying school and go up for an hour,your instructor will reassure you and you might get to like it.

    Tackle your fear head on it works for some.

    Good Luck.

  8. Yes/no more people die in car recks than in airplain crashes.

  9. Just stay away from the airlines who do their heavy maintence in China and Mexico/South America.  They are accidents waiting to happen.

  10. No.  It is the safest form of travel in the world.  You have a 1,000 times greater chance of being killed by a car on the way to the airport than being injured or worse on the plane.  1000 times or greater.  I'm not sure, but I believe your chances of being hit by lightning are greater, too.   Have a great trip!

  11. Don't worry!  Statistically, you're much safer in a plane than you are in a car, truck, or bus.

  12. You shouldn't be scared.  You have a higher chance of dying in a car than you do on a plane.  Your approximate chance of dying in a plane crash is 8 million to 1.  Just relax and listen to some music or read a book.  Good luck!

  13. i know someone like that.  Couldnt stand to make plans.  Always did things at the "spur of the moment"....never really had any orginazation in her life...kinda always just...running in circles...she was...what?...oh...sorry!!

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