
I'm thai and marriage with Amaican have baby im going to divoice what i can do to make him take care the kid?

by Guest59468  |  earlier

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I'm thai and marriage with Amaican have baby im going to divoice what i can do to make him take care the kid?




  1. Just leave the baby at his apartment and get on the plane back to thiland.  

  2. You need to go to the court in your county and file papers for child support. If you have the money you should get a family law lawyer. When you file for the divorce if you  do not work you can ask the court to have your husband pay attorney fees. I don't know which state you are in but usually they have some kind of free legal help. I would need to know where you reside to give you more help on where do go and how you can get help

  3. get a lawyer and ask them

  4. What sort of mother are you?  Being a mother, you should talk a bit more considerately about your kid.  Of course, i can understand it may be difficult for you to take care of your kid, but that does not give you right to talk so banally about your kid.

    Talk to your husband (or is he your boy friend?) ensure that he is willing to take care of the kid.  Let us all try to make this world a better place to live.  You are talking about a living human being for God's sake!  do not talk about it as a commodity....who will have it!!! you or me!!!

    The world is already populated with so many persons without ethics, without compassion, without love and care, do not add to that.  Do your bit.  I suggest, take the kid with you.  Give it all the love and care possible within your limits.  Make him a gentleman, let him see the world with the eyes of love, understand and compassion.  DO not make him hate the humanity by both of you neglecting your duties and responsibilities.

  5. Get a lawyer doing nothing much u can do ,sorry

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