
I'm the evil babysitter?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I started babysitting these kids that just moved in my neighborhood. There are four of them [ a baby boy, a fou year old girl, a six year old girl, and and a nine year old boy ] So your probably thinking why would you even want to watch so many kids but its because i get paid a heck of a lot of money! ha. But the point is, its already hard enough to watch just the little baby but now the oldest boy has the three and six year old to be calling me the evil babysitter. and he kicks me and throws stuff at me. I have no idea what to do. I have tried a lot of things...I brought them cookies, i asked what their favorite movies were one day and i rented them and took them over, i brought some borad games over, I dont know what else to try. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks




  1. PS3, XBOX 360 that will get them loving you.. at least your trying man.

  2. Your a good person!

  3. Get mom to leave you a stroller for the baby and get those kids outside as much as you can.  Then they can get some of that energy out.

  4. What I would personally do, is have him be your helper. So I'd say something like, "Johnny, can you take Susie upstairs and make sure she brushes her teeth?"

    I'd also ask him things like, "Johnny, do you know what time Susie is supposed to go to bed?" or "Where does your Mother keep the paper towels? Can you get them so we can clean up this spill?"

    That way he'll feel important, rather than like a big kid who's parents are leaving him with a "stupid babysitter"

    PS: YOU ARE NOT AN EVIL BABYSITTER! If you were, you'd scream at the kids to sit down, shut up and leave you alone while you make out with your boyfriend. You're obviously not like that, or you wouldn't have come on her for advice.

  5. Instead of treating the oldest as if hes just being watched.... include him in the daily care and help of the other children. It could be that he feels like you are taking his place in the home when their parents are not there.

    Ask the parents how you should respond to physical behavior from any of the children. You have to make sure the other children and yourself are safe in cases like that.

  6. It could very well be that the 9 year old feels "too old" for a sitter and therefore views you as an intruder. Talk to his parents about it because he should not be pitting the younger two against you as well.

  7. Tell the parents about the behavior problems your having and you want more money or you quite!

    I'm sure they don't want to look for another babysitter and they'd probably like to know how the children behave while they're away.

    Good luck!  Bad behavior problems in children can be a real test of patience.

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