
I'm the maid of honor at a Byzantine Catholic wedding and need help with understanding?

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My best friend just told me that her wedding which is going to be a Byzantine Catholic wedding, is going to be different than normal catholic weddings. Growing up all my cousins were Catholic so I have an idea of what a catholic wedding is like but I don't want to be totally lost at the rehersal and the wedding so if you can tell me anything about Byzantine catholic weddings it would be appreciated. Thank you




  1. Its her job to tell you. I mean you can read about it but there will be a rehearsal so dont worry about it. Just smile.

  2. Hi!  Glad I found your question! I'm Ukrainian Catholic, and have been to about 20 BC weddings, and they are quite different from Roman Catholic weddings. Here's the text of the ceremony, just so you can get an idea of what it is like -

    It's the service from Manitoba, SK, but I would think it's fairly similar elsewhere.

    Not all parts are used at all ceremonies, though. For example, at ours, we didn't do our consent at the entrance to the church, we did it at the altar. Also, we didn't have the wine, nor do the Dance of Isaiah (though it's really beautiful, where the priest leads the couple around the tetrapod (small altar) three times.

    Our wedding was all in the Ukrainian language, but usually they are in English, or mostly in English these days.

    At the rehearsal, you will be shown where to go and what to do. The duties aren't any different than a Roman Catholic wedding - oh, at ours, there were a few - my MOH put down a rushnyk - an embroidered cloth - near the top altar for us to kneel on (but if they are using that, it will be provided for you and they will tell you when to do it); and I had a special blessing of the bride, for which the MOH handed the priest a white silk scarf to cover my head.

    Here's a great site with explanations - and watch the videos -

    A basic explanation of a Ukrainian wedding -


    You'll enjoy it - especially the amazing food, and dancing at the reception! Nothing beats Ukrainian wedding music! Practice your polka!!!

  3. That is what rehearsals are for.. you will be directed where to walk and stand.It usually takes one-three run tries.

    Don't worry nobody but the director or assistant pastor is going to know what to do, just follow directions, you will be fine.


    Try these two websites. They have a lot of information.

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