Her are the details. I'm 21 years old. I have full time job and a son who is nearly a year old. I live with my parents right now because I can't afford to live on my own, or with my boyfriend, and have my son with me. My parents have been there for me since day one. Helping me with the overflow or when I'm sick. But for the past few months, my son has shown that he prefers Grandma over Mommy. He knows I'm his mother and there are times, though rare, that he does want me. But its my mother he truly wants. He cries when she leaves the room or goes out without him. Its her he runs to when he's hurt or when he's hungry. At first, I thought she was just spoiling him like all grandmothers are supposed to, but now its really starting to hurt. I do as much as I can for my son. I provide for him, feed him, play with him, comfort him, and love on him. But he wants nothing to do with me. I've told my mother many times how I feel. And she tells me I need to spend more time with him. And I try, but he doesn't ever want me anymore. I look at her holding him like I'm dying to and can't help but feel that she stole him from me. That I was just gave birth to him and that was that. I don't know what to do. I'm so jealous that she gets the attention that I want... that I feel that I deserve... Please, any advice would help. Or if anyone else has been through this, please tell me I'm not the only one and things are going to be okay. I don't want to resent my mother or my son for the relationship that they share.