
I'm the plaintiff an a attorney I contacted said this a "potential lawsuit" what does that mean?

by Guest65279  |  earlier

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I'm the plaintiff an a attorney I contacted said this a "potential lawsuit" what does that mean?




  1. It means there has been no suit filed at this time, but, there is a possibility that a suit may be filed in the future.  It all depends on the merits of the case.  

    For example:  Suppose you were in an automobile accident and the other party was at fault and were injured.  There are a number of things to look at.

    If the attorney is working on a contingency basis.  Is there a reasonable expectation of a substantial payout at the end?  An attorney isn't going to want to spend 100+ hours working on the case when the likelyhood is they will only get $300.

    If a judgement is  made in your favor what is the likelyhood of collecting?  If the loosing party has no money and no insurance you may win $1,000,000 but in all actuallity you will only collect a small amount if the person has no money.

    Will a jury be sympathetic to your case?  If so you'd have a better chance of winning and getting a larger settlement.

    What is the probability that the case will be settled prior to trial?  If it is cut and dried settling prior to trial is far cheaper for the lawyers

    I'm ure there are a number of other factors to consider before it would actually become a lawsuit.

  2. It means that he'll argue the case if you give him enough money.

    It doesn't necessarily mean you'll win.

  3. It means that your lawyer thinks you may have a case.

  4. Conduct or behavior that may have legal consequences. it means maybe you have a case.

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