
I'm think'n about gett'n some Fly Argaric Mushrooms but don't know if there safe enough to try, please help!

by  |  earlier

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Are they overall safe to experiment with? I know they're poisonous but again so is alcohol but it's safe to try in the sense it won't kill you on the first time as long as you don't induce large ammounts. Also if you have any experiences with it please share them I want to know some of the hallucinogenic effects, and all the non-drug users keep all your comments to yourselves, I've made up my mind already and am happy with who I am and how I am, I don't need you're propoganda! Ok




  1. No - Don't touch these they kill people!

  2. hey Ive never tried them but i have try ed the other kind of shrooms and from research they are the safest kind of shrooms to be using

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