
I'm thinkin about movin on my own 2Blackpool, has any1 else done this and how did it go?

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This is a big life choice for me so serious answers plz x




  1. Hello Hun,

    I am talking here from first hand experience, i moved to Blackpool 5 years ago on my own and erm... i don't regret it but i wish i had never done it, if you know what i mean ?

    I got divorced and i was still quite young 23 and when my divorce came through i realised i needed a change in my life, any way i had friends in Preston and i figured that i was best moving to some where where i knew people so i wouldn't be lonely. Ha it didn't work out that way ! i transferred my job in a call centre to retail and i had moved from the North east to Blackpool within a month. For the first month i had no where to live because my house fell through so i was in a grotty B&B until i found some where, so make sure you have a house in place first of all !

    Then when i got a private rented house I lived up by the Vic Hospital, a nice area away from the tourists but close enough if i wanted a night out.

    Rent is expensive in Blackpool so i hope you have a good job to go into, the night life is expensive and the locals, no matter how long you have lived there will still treat you like an outsider !

    Blackpool used to be lovely once upon a time but now it is full of people just looking to get laid and very drunk, they wreck the town get arrested and then go home with no shame what so ever !

    i lived there for a few year so if you have any questions please feel free to email me hun.

    If you have a genuine reason to want to move i would say go for it, after all if it doesn't work out you can always go home with your head held high and say 'at least you tried it' because the majority of people who you know will probably never leave your home town.

    Good luck x  

  2. Dnt do it, Blackpool used to be an awsum place. I used to go ther every summer with my family. But now its got soooo run down. Its not the nicest place to live i have to say, its kina gone a bit downhill.


  3. What does Blackpool have to offer you, that you can't get where you live now? That's the biggest question you have to answer.

    Lots of people just move because of "grass is greener" syndrome, only to find that the problems they were trying to escape from still exist in the place they move to.

    Heck, thousands of Brits emigrate to Australia each year; around half of them come back because it didn't live up to expectations.

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