
I'm thinking about a 3 wheel bike. Any ideas? I'm a senior citizen and don't want to risk falling.

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I'm thinking about a 3 wheel bike. Any ideas? I'm a senior citizen and don't want to risk falling.




  1. my mom rode a 3 wheeler b/c she doesn't know how to ride a bike. she liked it b/c she felt safe, but it was hard for her to steer. I tried it too and it was difficult to get it to go where you wanted. it could just be the 3 wheeler we had.

  2. how about a bike with a side car it amounts to the same thing a lot of h***s angels ride trikes and quads about see them all the time

    be careful and have fun

  3. Good idea. That would be a great way to get exercise while minimizing the risk of injury.


  4. Go for for style or brand I know nothing about 3 wheelers

  5. There is a large contingent of tricycle enthusiasts among recumbent riders. I would say a delta trike (1F2R) would be easiest to get in and out of, because deltas tend to have higher seating. By contrast, tadpole (2F1R) trikes have seats anywhere from 3 to 9 inches off the ground. Here is what a delta trike looks like:

    This model is sold by Sun, and can be ordered from virtually any bike shop in the U.S. via their J&B catalog.

    You can see all of the Sun models at

    To learn more about trikes, visit

    and check out their trike forum, which is categorized under "specialty discussions."

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