
I'm thinking about asking my doctor to put me on Chantix...Does it really work? and How much does it cost?

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I'm thinking about asking my doctor to put me on Chantix...Does it really work? and How much does it cost?




  1. I want to try this so badly!  My boss at work has been a smoker for 30 years, tried everything to quit.  He as on Chantix for 2 months, and he had quit completely.  It's been 6 months and he's still not smoking!

  2. Please inform yourself fully before trying out this drug ......  many people have severe intolerances or allergic reactions to many different drugs.

    Have a peek at this link, it may be usefull for you ~

    Good luck on your quest for health & vitality.

    Peace 2 u

  3. If your insurance covers Chantix it will cost you about $30 a month.  Full price is around $110.  Either way it is still cheaper than smoking.

    My fiance and I both quit smoking after 35 years using Chantix.  It does work very well but there are a few drawbacks.

    The FDA has issued an alert about this pill causing emotional and psychological  problems as soon as two weeks after starting.  Research the side effects before you decide to take this or any other pill.

    Both of us had very strange, very vivid dreams.  Not nightmares or anything like that but just amusingly strange dreams.

    The other drawback is that it gave both of us hypertension ( high blood pressure).  This is listed as a possible side effect.  

    In case you haven't noticed, they don't advertise this product on TV anymore.  It used to be on every day, several times a day.

    It is probably better than smoking but you have to decide if you want to do it the hard way ( cold turkey ) or possibly have to take a prescribed pill every day for the rest of your life.

    What ever you decide, best of luck.  You won't regret quitting.

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